The benefits of generosity can be generous

in #life7 years ago (edited)

There are two forms of mindset attached to generosity.

  • There is the interest generosity,when we give in hope for something in return . Recognition, service, sex, financial compensation, etc.

  • There is disinterest generosity : when one gives freely, without waiting for a counterpart or prompt and the benefits attached to it

The majority of people, I think are generous for the interest.

They view generosity as a sort of "transaction"; a price to pay to others to have what we want.


But that's the paradox: learning REAL generosity, giving out freely, the return of investment ... is in everyone's interest!

It is only when one begins to give without waiting in return that one can receive.

A lesson from the 2 coins

I realized how generosity could be profitable some time ago.

I wandered alone on the street , totally haggard, when a woman in her forties snatched me from my thoughts and asked for a bit of money .

I do not know if it was I who did not listen to the rest, or if it was she who did not think it useful to specify the reason. Whatever it was, it seemed obvious; she was ragged, disheveled, her indigence leaped to her eyes.

A little reflex, and also because I thought of it, I replied that I had nothing on me. Then I resumed my walk by wishing her good luck.

About twenty meters away, I put my hands in my pockets. My fingers felt something in the left one ...

I took the unidentified object, opened my hand and saw a 2 coins in my palm.

benefits of generosity?? be generous give

My first reaction was to continue my journey.

But I thought back to that woman right behind me, to what I said to her: - "I have nothing on me. "

I ended up turning around to give her,

On reaching her, I handed it to her, saying, "Here! Finally I had a coin in my pocket. "

She answered me with a "thank you" that came just as much from her voice as from her look, and that I felt came from the bottom of my heart.

I left feeling happy, as if my soul had nourished this answer.


Materially , nothing at all.

But emotionally, a lot.

First of all, I felt happy and proud .
It was not much, certainly. Not enough to gargle a lifetime.

Nevertheless, I was pleased to have pleased this person, and proud to have done a good deed.

Then, I felt a difficult feeling of contentment.
With the tens of thousands of commercials that tell us every day that we do not have enough , that we need this or that , no one seems to be satisfied with what they already have .

Nevertheless, if one is able to give without our generosity penalizes us , is not it because we have enough !

We are not going to starve, or have to deprive ourselves and tighten our belts because we have given someone a coin ...

Somehow it means that this money is extra . We do not need more to start feeling fulfilled!

This act of generosity reminded me this: I already have enough to be happy.

The benefits of being (really) generous



The problem with selfish generosity is that our hope of rewards blinds us too much to perceive the REAL benefits of our good deeds!

As long as our mind is busy making its calculations - the recognition we can draw from it, the services we can get, the financial reward we can earn - it can not open up to receive the emotional benefits of generosity.

Because generosity, the true one, nourishes the soul:

It makes us feel happy for the other person;

It makes us feel proud to have this virtue, to do good deeds, and to increase our self-esteem;

It makes us experience a better feeling of satisfaction and well-being;

It also builds healthier, more sincere, more fulfilling relationships with others.
And of course: it benefits others!

All these things we receive when we detach ourselves from calculation, from the search for benefits, and when we give by altruistic, only to help or to please.

This is probably because, in our heart of hearts and that of others, we know WHY we are generous. We know if the reason is noble or not.

The benefits of our generosity are proportional to the nobility of our intention.

The more our generosity is pure (disinterested), the more it brings us back.

Why are we not generous

We are scared, the need for more, dissatisfaction, lack of contentment,egoism.

Benefits of generosity be generous I am convinced that the lack of generosity shown by many individuals today is mainly the result of a bad state of mind .

If most people are trapped in a too materialistic vision of happiness.

They think that the more they own, the closer they are to satisfaction

This state of mind traps them in a quest for more :

  • More money
  • More goods;
  • More power;
  • One more big car;
  • One more big house; etc

They hope this will make them happy.

But it never happens, because the quest for more is endless .

Thre is always an additional need, because it is always accompanied by the feeling of not enough , exacerbates selfishness and individualism.

These feelings are inseparable, like the two faces of the same coin.

We want more, we feel we do not have enough, and we maintain ourselves our dissatisfaction.

How to enjoy giving freely , when we have the feeling of not having enough for ourselves?

How can one expect nothing in return, when one is in an obsessional quest of the most? We can not.

To be generous, one must first free oneself from this need of more.

Out of selfishness dare generosity

This state of mind will never get us anywhere except to:

  • Spend a lot of time and energy acquiring more things that do not make you happier;

  • Live in the feeling and the fear of missing;

  • To be envious and jealous of those who have more than us;

  • To be afraid of others taking what we have (our job, our belongings, etc.)

An important step for one's well-being is to change that state of mind to get out of the need for more.

It begins by realizing that possessions do not make happiness.

Thank God, the man did not wait for the car, the smartphone, the giant screen and antidepressants to feel happy ...

Of course, I agree that running out of money can hurt our well-being ...

But in a world of about 6 billion people living below 12,000 euro a year can we really complain about running out of money?

(Answer: No ... unless we feel the need for more / not enough feeling.)

Then gratitude helps too.

It allows us to value the things we own, and to be more aware that we hold a lot of other wealth: health, family, friendship, and so on.

Finally, I believe very strongly in the benefits of generosity .

Practicing generosity helps to become more generous and happier!

When we give, we also realize that we already have enough. It takes us out of this incessant pursuit of the most .

Better yet, we realize that being generous can make us happier:

  • We feel pleasure to give;

  • We become aware of the nobility that is dormant in us, and this increases our self-esteem.

Of course, it's not about giving everything you have. Neither neglecting your own pleasures and needs.

Thinking about yourself, having fun, is not the problem ...

The problem is not to be aware that:

  • Life is a sharing . We all need others to live in one way or another; no one lives in perfect self-sufficiency.

  • The happiness of others is (also) our happiness - and vice versa.

Just as roses can not grow in arid deserts, our well-being can not flourish in an environment devoid of benevolence and love.

We need loving, altruistic people around us to flourish.

To do !

Show REAL generosity this week.

Give someone who asks you!

Anything: time, money, a little recognition and sympathy ...

See what it gives you as a sensation!

You may be surprised to realize that it does you a lot of good, and remind you that you have enough today, to be happy.

If you write (keep a blog on steemit for example): give what you know without trying to make any profits! without looking at the benefits, share that knowledge because you know how much it will benefit your readers, and see how much pleasure and contentment you will derive from touching the lives of others

Do not try to keep your best tips to sell them later.

Give out your best, heartily, to help your readers.


Images credit


Being generous has its own reward

But the world we live in is filled with greed selfishness and thirst for power

I hope this world becomes an utopian society where everyone has a generous heart and no one thinks about himself alone

We all hope for that but we can only continue to hope because in this world everyone can not actually be on the giving end otherwise who will receive?? But its best for us to choose to be on the giving end because of its unimaginable benefits

Thanks for sharing. Most of us believe in the idea of getting or reaping back from where we give/sow. We seem not to give out wholeheartedly. This is a great enlightment -an eyeopening post! #OWB

Thanks for your contribution @william-owb

Thanks for sharing once again!

Everyone should set their mind to give something belongs to them even it is money or more precious time to some one they actually don't know about. That's the time the one become generous to the society.. Great article @phunke

@phunke your portrait was ready a long time... Go check it out on my blog

I prefer giving than to receiving... Because God bless the giver more than the receiver

Omg i totally forgot about it thanks will check it out

Okay... Dont forget to send small thing o

Beautiful message :)

Well written @phunke I liked it!

Good to have you here @future thinker i am glad you liked it.

@phunke this write up has an awesomely amazing message.
Thanks for sharing

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