Negative waves

in #life7 years ago (edited)


A person's life is subject to several factors. From the most positive to the less positive, This is the case of negative waves that have the extraordinary ability to negatively influence a person's life.Everyone emits waves. Unfortunately some people emit only bad ones. This is the case of those that anger lives permanently. Those who rarely see the bright side and see everything in black.

Those who take pleasure in their misfortune are also part of it. If someone in your family sees someone like this, put some distance between you and him. It will not be easy, but if you want to move forward, you have to go through this step. Prepare the mind for that. It will take the time it will take. The important thing is to achieve it.

Negative waves do not come only from the outside. They come mostly from within us. This is an opportunity to prove that you are not a defeatist, constantly angry at the whole world. And yet, these waves emanate from you as soon as the waking goes off badly. Upon waking you have the feeling that everything will go wrong throughout the day. Strangely, this one is really going badly. In fact, subversive thoughts have invaded you. You can, however, turn the tide in the morning.

Even if you do not wake up in the morning, you can still be positive by repeating yourself and that will have no impact on the rest of the day. Start with a smile, with that outfits in which you are comfortable.

Bad waves can be produced by difficult events that you have experienced that can not be exteriorized. You lock yourself in a vicious circle from which it becomes almost impossible to get out. You go from despondency to frustration. You have the impression of being misunderstood which increases the pain that is in you. All this generates negative waves that it is imperative to hunt you.

Understand and identify the origins of negative waves

Negative waves are an invisible force that can make you bitter, cold and distant to everyone. By their actions, they can take away all the joy of living and expose you to a daily resentment and complaints. To better apprehend it, it is important to know the main origins. In general, negative waves have two origins.

The external origins

These are forces that come from your interaction with your surroundings. It can come from a person you are in contact with, as well as from your own environment. Still, these are forces that you suffer because of the presence of an individual or your presence in a specific place.

Inner origins

They are the most difficult to stop because they emanate from the person they influence. Very often, it is a bad attitude,habit that will have to be changed or abandoned.

Take inventory

Are you influenced by negative waves? The answer to this question is all the more important as it will determine the attitude to adopt to face, if it is proven, the presence of any bad wave.

Do you feel a strength pushing you to always think of failure? Are you constantly afraid of making mistakes? Are you of a defeatist temperament or do you always think of the worst? If the answers to all these questions are affirmative, then you are indeed influenced by negative waves.

The fear of failing is the fear of succeeding

Too much caution may be due to the influence of a negative wave. Indeed, the desire to always have everything under control without ever being influenced by the possibility of failure is a double-edged knife. As much as this situation can boost your motivation, as much it can paralyze all your means of action. In general, this is caused by a past failure that leaves harmful consequences for the blossoming in the present.

In such circumstances, it is necessary to draw a line on the past, once and for all. Far from trying to forget, it's about saying that if these failures did not take you to the grave, then you can take on bigger challenges. Once you have adopted this way of thinking, your vision of the challenges facing you will be different.

Some people have the extraordinary strength to take you to develop feelings of inadequacy, fear and anxiety simply because of the temperament they have. These are the kind of people who will deliberately choose to drink the glass half empty rather than half full and will try to instill this vision of the things they have. By rubbing shoulders with them, you will end up without realizing it to develop these bad traits. It is obvious that consciously or unconsciously, one ends up being influenced by what one hears continuously. And the best way to protect yourself from these negative waves is to avoid as much as possible to frequent such people.

Think differently

Why not get used to seeing things differently? When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself that the day that begins is like a blank picture in front of you. In the evening at bedtime, the different inscriptions that you will find there are the result of your will. So, choose to mark on this table some positive things that will contribute to your fulfillment. You need to change the way you think and see the world around you. If you can not change your environment, change your inner self and the rest, which surrounds you will be positively influenced.

In the place of negativity, think positively

What is more effective in getting rid of negative waves than in developing others that are, they, very positive. The power of positive thinking is immutable and known to all scholars. People who reach a certain level of fulfillment in their lives all say they use it.

In a simple way, it consists in suggesting to one's subconscious ideas to the powers to produce a feeling of power, of self-confidence, of joy and exaltation. Against all expectations, this is possible and very simple.

Get used to being happy

Being happy is a feeling of satisfaction that brings great wellness to the body. Know how to value all the little goodness that comes to you. These include: waking up in the morning, being healthy, having friends present, doing a job that we love ... Be happy thinking about all these things and how lucky you are to have them. You will see life differently.

Read specialized books

In the field of positive thinking, there are quite a few books that have been written by people who have managed to transcend this difficulty. Such literatures bring freshness to the mind and can even condition you, if you apply the advice given.

Entrust your experience to a diary, a blank sheet, or a notebook. Put yourself in a quiet place and write down all the events that have marked you. Tell your sorrows, your regrets. When you have emptied your heart, announce that everything is erased, that the page is definitely turned. Then burn the paper. You will be rid of your dark ideas.

Do what you like

To remove negative waves, one of the keys is the fulfilling. A happy person can not develop resentment or maintain such a dose of negative thoughts. Remember to exercise an activity, they will bring you balm to the heart at each awakening.


Finally, to protect oneself from negative waves, one must become aware of their presence and their bad influence on a life.

Once this step is taken, it is essential to change its conception of certain things, not to be influenced by the gray mines and especially to show a good reserve of positive thoughts.

Hi Everyone, its your girl @phunke I hope i was able to pass a message to accross to someone if this article helped you in anyway kindly drop a comment only if you read through.

No spams please


Hey @phunke, I think the summary of everything you have said about this negative waves is this:

whatever you input is what you will output
In other words its "garbage in, garbage out"...

So in essence, we should be careful about the kinds of things, places and people we get exposed to. Once we can consciously control these then we are on a path to moving ourselves towards a life of positivity!



This post received a 13% upvote from @morwhale team thanks to @phunke! For more information, click here! , TeamMorocco! .

Nothing feels save than being happy

Hi @mimy thanks for reading.

Yes o. Negative emotions are destructive. And they radiate negative waves to those around... Its not a good thing.
Thanks for this wonderful article.

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Lovely....i hv resteem

Hi @kingjrn thanks for the resteem

Interesting has to change her mindset to outstand negative thought.

To progress we need to overcome it

Yeah we can overcome it but with unwavering else one's will fail it

Thanks a lot for writing about it. I shall try to be more cheerful. I am a full time dementia caretaker and some days it can really get bad.

Hi @sayee its really my pleasure to pass this message i am glad it was of benefit to you. Thanks for reading.

Thanks for your nice post. I read it and loving your post.

Hi @bahagia-arbi thanks for reading my post hope to see you around more often.

Okeyy..follow me back

@phunke The key word here is conditioning of the mind, the message we send to our mind has it own reprisal, and we should focus on positivity to make good things out of our day. always @theheralds

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