The Hum of Life - Resonance or Dissonance?

in #life6 years ago

The Hum of Life

Our environments create a certain vibration, which affects us on a physical and cellular level. So I am talking about the hum of life, the birds and bees and the rustle of the leaves. Of course I am also talking about the buzz and hum of synthetic life.

Compare for example how you feel about the rain falling on the roof, to how you feel about being in a room of buzzing flourescent lights - which create a subtle buzzing. One is soothing, and the other is dissonant.

What kind of environments are we living in? And are these environments good for our well being?

I am in favour of regular (or continual) eco-therapy, where our physical body can harmonize with the life forms and landscape around us. Pure air and water do a lot for our well being, and also being able to come to a quiet place inside ourselves. Being in nature naturally facilitates the meditative state - this is hugely underestimated. You don't have to do anything, just be around nature and it will automatically bring you back into balance.

My father is a regular tramper (hiker for you Americans), and this is his way of coming back to that quiet place.

Being in synthetic environments, there is a lot of white noise and dissonant shapes + forms. We don't fully understand the implications of being in these environments, from my experience it is a very important factor. From my experience being in synthetic environments for a long time (especially when surrounded by frightened of agitated people) we will passively start to become agitated as well.

Some practice is required to maintain an energized and optimistic state of being, whether this is dancing, painting, meditation, yoga, or chanting mantras. Perhaps all of this extra work could be avoided if we organised ourselves into more harmonious living and working arrangements? This is the push toward the simpler life that is so big in the collective consciousness right now - we know what is up, even if just subconsciously.

We become like what we are exposed to, we are highly sensitive beings that attune ourselves to our environment.

Update: My camera is currently not working, so this may be my last vlog for a while :(

▶️ DTube

hope you get your camera working soon, great vid.

I see you are here on steemit a few months now, just had a look around your account. I know when people start here they get a few welcome messages, but after that, if you have not joined a community you can easily get lost in the sea of posts. How are you getting on here on steemit anyway?

I’m doing a little bit of outreach this week with those that have been here a few months and have had some time to get a feel for the place. Would love to know your thoughts so far? Is there anything I can help you with or questions I can answer for you?

One tip I am spreading this week is to check your mentions. being part of steemit includes engagement and if someone happens to mention you in a post, you should really check it out. You can find your mentions on, if you look through the tabs, you will find all your mentions.

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Hi Paula G
Thank you for this awesome comment! It's encouraging to have well established steemers such as yourself connecting in.

Yes I have been here since April now, blogging consistently. I have found my way into several communities, most notably tribesteemup. So there is a core of people there for me to connect with, and also a curation trail which I am a part of.

I have been looking at my mentions through a discord bot called GINA. It seems to do the trick.

At times yes, there doesn't seem to be much human interaction with my posts, but occassionally they create a lively discussion. It depends on the timing and whether or not the content strikes a chord with people.

For the most part I'm happy to just make quality content, and gradually build up a community. Steemit is highly complex and diverse, and I do wonder what the actual mechanics are behind people making money. Vote are coming from all kinds of places, any many people are intent on finding some kind of trick or exploit.

Primarily I have come here as a content creator to talk about real things and develop my self expression - I have limited time to research countless details about the intricacies of everything. I want to use my inspiration to create for an hour or so a day, I don't actually want to be in front of the computer all day long. Nor do I have the time for that.

I hold the naive hope that I can just be here and create some meaningful content, gradually building some measure of success. I love the fundamentals of Steemit, decentralized social media - whether or not it can be implemented in a fair and accessible way that works - I am not so sure. Early days I guess, I am almost a minnow so maybe one day I will have a strong account and it will be a real asset.

Would love to hear your thoughts on Steemit in general, and on where it is at now - is it decaying to favour new platforms? Or is this just the beginning phase?

Personally I think we are only at the beginning. was an example of what can be done with the blockchain and not an end product. Now we have all these new user interfaces, Dtube, Dlive, Parkito and so forth. Each of these apps have a far greater reach than steemit on its own. One of my fears that that people have monetized to early, created bidbots and other services which does not help the distribution of steem but centralizes it to a few. At this early stage, the steem eco system is still under development and has not been given a chance to flourish.

I am glad you found a good community and Gina does rock, cool. Looks like you are doing okay here.

I get what you mean about sitting in front of the laptop all day and what you would like your involvement to be. I am one of the few that work online anyway and tend to have that little extra time to be more heavy involved.

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