Jujitsu, the other stuff I do in my free time, when not stuck to charts...

in #life7 years ago

Was talking to my other half and she said that I need to be a bit more personal on STEEMIT and let others into my life so they don't just think of me as a nameless, faceless, crypto analyst. To that end I posted a couple bike videos, but this is the other stuff that I do in my free time.. Even though I'm not a ninja warrior like @aussieninja, I'm still not bad for 40... :)

Me and my Brazilian friend Jose (pron. Jo-ze)

High School football kid that said he would whoop my ass..

Rolling and Instructing an inexperienced friend.. My favorite shoulder lock..

More of the same, end with my favorite shoulder lock again..


What? You're not a nameless, faceless crypto analysis... you're the smartest dog I know! Literally no other dog has provided such intelligent and financially-beneficial words... nor as hilarious memes.

Man, the speed in which you span around to get that shoulder lock on... so quick! Not like any other 40 year old I know! You're not one to upset... superfast bikes and jujitsu... no one can escape.

I may not be as good as I once was, but I'm as good once as I ever was.. We slow down for sure, but I still have some gas in the tank..:)

I'm very sure 40 is the new 30. I'm not the fittest I've ever been, nor the most muscular, but I'm definitely the strongest I've ever been... and most of my mates hitting 40 are getting right into cycling and more consistent fitness... trying to manage the aches I reckon...

yeah the aches and pains of years of hitting the mat start reminding every morning after 40.. lol.. My move is basically a Reverse americana, but I like to go North South first as I have the speed (for as long as that lasts) it also makes them try and defend the neck which is not what I'm actually after, I want the arm defending the neck. I suck it all in and then come back to mount with the arm locked in..With the amount of leverage I have on it at the point, I can only imagine the damage that could be done if I torqued it. Would certainly tear every tendon and ligament in the shoulder and begin separating the humerus from the shoulder socket. It would for sure be a lifelong injury after that point.. no way to glue that back together... :)

Fully up-voted. I'm almost 80 and I still play tennis 3 times a week, golf on weekends and my taichi is still strong....stay active and you'll always be in your 30s in spirit :)

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