What Is The Key Of The World....

in #life6 years ago

Continue From "Is There Unseen World....?"

If unseen world have so many people like our wold, who is their king or president for their wold. And why our human being need other wold to help us and why we can’t stand alone by ourselves. In order to stand ourselves we need to united each country and person to build one nation as human emperor.

To conquer as one nation in this world we should fight to achieve like last time from our world history. But no one achieve in passed. Shell we put that fight and war is not solution to build that one earth one nation. So what will be the other alternative choice to achieve that goals? I think it might be by love one another to do this.

Why we can’t do this in this world each and every one love one another. It is a good thing to do and also most of us know but why we cannot start doing this. And every religious leader said to their disciples and why we cannot implement in our daily life. Not to say each country yet, even our religious to religious they have big debate and cannot accept one another.

Most of the king destroyed and down fall in their times, why did happened to them. Because they do not follow just a common-sense law in their lives. Therefore there was reason for destruction. So at the time most of the kingdom has appear prophet to guide the kings. And people believe that prophet was guide by god from unseen world.

So who lead all those guys to do bad things? Is there two different country or kingdom good kingdom that helping people from the earth for doing things and other kingdom that help to do bad thing in this world. It is seem like two different common agenda or interest, who will be the biggest overall in-charge of good and bad.

In this world, to do good or bad, who has to make the final decision? We ourselves need to choice to do and we should be master of all this. For unseen world who is the making final decision. Who is controlling all this thing behind unseen world? I think there must be something or someone who is controlling all this thing.

If it is there, who must like about something that either good is please him or do bad thing is? In our own earth, when we do bad thing most of us believe will get bad in this life. And most of us does not like bad thing happen in our life. But in our life bad thing did happened. Why it is happen in this world? So what is good thing in this life?

We saw natural disaster on the earth is almost everywhere and every time. It is beyond our control and no one can’t avoid when it is happen. And a lot of people are suffer and lost their live at the event of natural disaster. So how can we stop all this thing happen on our earth? Is there something that we are missing to make our earth running smooth?

What is the key for our earth to run smooth and prevent all this natural disaster or not to happen anymore?

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


God is only one and its only one relegion to follow.

Yes, hopefully it happen. but sometime even in one religion they have conflict.

Don't think too much and complicate your life. Just live your life the best you know how.

sometime we human want to know what is next. but it is a beautiful that we don't know.

True. But some questions have no answers. So it is pointless to ask the questions. :-)

Very Good Post Bro!

thank you bro, long time no see.

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