Unfair sport To Compete ...

in #life7 years ago

Continue From "To Pay The Price That Is Asked For...."

After I become disable, I try to find out what spot I can do with my condition.

In the disable sport, there is a lot of thing to choose for us to play. Disable has so many kind and so many level. So they have so many class in the same sport. In the same class also different kind of disable and different level of ability.

When you want to be compete with other people at your level, there is always have some people are more able than you, due to different kind of a disease, injury, or accident. In the other hand, who has more money, who can invest in sport and enjoy their life?

After become disable, how you are capable before or high education you completed, we always have challenge to get the proper job to survive.

In Asia, we still need to give a room for disadvantage people is still long way to go. We have difficult to get the job, yet we need to survive to live. As for us as tetraplegia we have to more depend on our helper for our daily life.

So we have to get the job to survive, but because of our high disability most of the business owner don’t want to hire us. We do understand from the shoe and we are also not productive enough and father more they must take responsible for our medical issue as well as medical leave.

In Asia, most of the government are not rich enough to support for unfortunate people.

I am not talking about who are paraplegia because they have full of hand function and they are semi independence and they have more easier to survive than tetraplegia. Most of paraplegia have quite dissent job and they have more choice of sport than tetraplegia.

For the government to support for the disable sport also, not willing to invest for us because of for tetraplegia they have to sponsor for the caregiver as well.

Most of the disable sport items are expensive and always need to buy from oversea. And also need to provide same location and venue as well as store room to keep all the stuffs.

As for the player, we don’t have sufficient enough fun support and we cannot do sport for our living. And yet we cannot stay alone at the room to receive everything will drop from the sky for us. We do need society’s help to become we are also count in as human. At this time, in the world as normal person are also have so many challenge to survive for themselves, so as well as we are.

When playing sport, for tetraplegia they don’t have much sport to choose. So for many quadriplegics it can be hard getting into this sport but once they do, they are always glad they did and also a great way to partner with an able-bodied person on an adventure. Sport are always best for every person and to release stress, get more friends and many other advantages.

Some of the sport are very popular for quadriplegics, they are, Quad Rugby, Hand cycling, wheelchair racing, Swimming, Table Tennis, Power Soccer, Surfing, Bowling, Kayaking, shooting and sealing. To do a sport in life, basically we need time to do all this.

Secondly we need money to do all this to get it done. Most importance thing is family support to do sport after become quadriplegics.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)

Photos credit: Google Image


Hi Patrick,
I have recently been reading all your posts but I don’t think I read how you became disabled. I know you were working in a factory and I also know about the challenge of enrolling your kids in school but if you don’t mind me asking, did you have an accident at your work?

it has been long awhile, one of my a few first post last year. i had road traffic accident and i become quadriplegics..

Oh I see. Thank you for sharing. My spirit must have known that there was something special about you that is why I keep supporting your blog. You are my inspiration. Keep it up!

Good post bro!

Hi! Dear thank for sharing your good post.

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