Pote Ta loke Lake to find Dwe Mae Naw...

in #life7 years ago

Continue from "I See With My Little Eye To Silver Cloud Land"

After we visited a few place, we find something to eat for our late lunch. My friend drove us to one food house called fatboy restaurant.


As usual we did not know what to order local food, so we ask the restaurant owner for the popular dish. She recommend us to have Koe Kant Chinese food “Sakaw Hta Min”. it was so tasty and delicious. They provide us beef, fried chicken, fish, fresh organic vegetable salad, raw organic vegetable and soup and many more.

We ordered for 1 set for 4 person to eat. Some order noddle and other, but we cannot finished our food “Sakaw Hta Min” and need help to finish our foods. It was so amazing experience and we won’t forget for life time. After we finished our meal we continue journey to my friend’s parents in law’s house which is out skirt of town 8KM away from loikaw.

On our way, my friend drove me to Loikaw Cathedral and pass by the some famous places. When we arrived to the my friend’s parents in law’s house we drop our languages and continue to historical places in Kayah state. The place called, Legend said it was the birth place of a beautiful story of Dwe Mae Naw, 7 lakes, but there is only 6 lakes in existence.

It is beautifully surrounded by small mountains. This is local ethnic story behind 7 lakes, 7 angels used to come to bath in 7 lakes. One day prince saw the angels and caught prince eye, so he plan to catch the angle and prince captured one youngest angel. Hence 1 lake vanished. The Prince put chain in angel legs to prevent not to go back to heaven, that it why, Kayah woman wear round ring in their legs.


This series of seven lakes were interconnected lakes joined by channels reached through picturesque countryside. This is a serene and peaceful attraction made even more beautiful by the reflections of the mountains against which the lakes are situated.


Combine all the lakes we visited through off rod, and we a stop by at the Umbrella Lake stopping on to the way to Ngwe Taung Dam. It was located in Demoso Township, 20 minute drive from Loikaw City. The Legend said it was the birth place of a beautiful story of Dwe Mae Naw and her sisters who live in Silver Cloud Land. The lake where they angles used to come down and play, so called Ngwe Taung Si (Ngwe Taung Dam).


At the Ngwe Taung Dam, we enjoyed the natural fresh air come across over the face of water and view of dark green forest and mountains and sun set.


Than we have spent a few minutes at Ngwe Taung Dam and we plan to coming back to my friend’s parents in law house at about 6.00 pm and arrived at 6.30 pm. We settle down with our accommodations and I lie-down for a while for release my buttocks pressure to prevent not to get pressure sore.

And my friends have to participate for the yearly family meeting and continue with gathering for Christmas family party. Because that day was Christmas Eve and everyone busy for preparing to go church as well.


They were preparing dinner since early morning, killing pig and chicken as well. For drink they have traditional rice wine especially for the Christmas party and many more. I am surprise that before go to the midnight mass, everyone start to drink at dinner time.


They ask me to join the drink but at first I refuse to drink because I haven’t attend the mass yet. But everyone told me the mass will start late and after finish, the mass nobody will treat you dinner. So I join with them drinking section.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)

Photos credit: Google Image


Nice scenery

Why it is the food house called fatboy restaurant? Because there is a lot of diffrent types of food and when tyou see so much you want to try many foods and you get fat?

Good informative post. The picture at Fatboy restaurant is amazing. All the photographs are amazing. All the photographs are amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Good details expression. You are lucky that you are travelling those amazing place and had fun with your fnds. Good job dear @patricksanlin

Thank you very much for posting so beautiful a post to us

You wrote good content with eye catching images.. Thanx for sharing your trip details.. I enjoyed it.. Beautiful places you visit specially hta min is yummyyyyy

Great stuff. Thanks for sharing sir.

Hello sorry bro very long time i cannot support yours post because i don't see your post my Esteem App is not good so now i open in browser for TAG MYANMAR i can get it your post first .Thanks

really nice and interesting post ever.

I want to go Ngwe Taung dum.
Natural beauty make me peace in mind.
Thank you for your share.

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