Once Off or Long Time Solution.....

in #life6 years ago

Continue From "We Need To Manage ourselves..."

We need to importance to manage our waste, residential waste and industrial waste. To find the right residential waste and recycling solutions is one of the key factor for everywhere on earth. We must have service provider and other important things is how are we going to manage our waste with the best decision.

We should set our environmental goals for waste Management system of collection and disposal, for that everyone should ready to work together to achieve our goal.

We should learn from waste management industry how they are leading recycling services. From the waste they have hazardous wastes from industry and that must governed by the Environmental council.

Waste is every time generated by us and, we should sorted out the waste to recyclables or conserve for energy resources. For the final waste and garbage, we should collected and sent to waste-to-energy plants for incineration.

Incineration will reduces our waste by more than 80 per cent and we can have proper place to dispose and as well as we can save our landfill space. When we are burning our final waste and garbage, it will produce heat to produce steam that can propels turbine-generators to generate electricity.

We must pay attention to our waste and garbage problem. It can be very challenging for recycling industry and waste managing service provider due to technical challenges, consumer behavior, and demand for recycled materials. It can be non-profitable and our government should subsidies for beginning stage up to mature.

There must have many issues for the recycling system and waste managing, but nothing is impossible to handle for any of issues that cannot be managed and improved. We need to figure out for the issue and consider as a one nation issue to handle together, and also we should consider as global issues and to find solution to this.

If we do as one-off solutions, the issues will never end and it will be repeat again and the problem never end.

We should convince everyone to involve for the managing our waste and share the knowledge for the recycling and energy resources from the waste and also some of the recycled items can be reused in packaging of new products.

Nowadays many technology are around the market and can provide most of the solution for our basic needs.

But we should continue to research for better solutions and innovations for our continual challenges facing for each one of us with both household and industrial waste issue.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)


The government and big corporations must spearhead waste recycling efforts. And all citizens must co-operate and do what is required. Only then can we have a chance in cleaning up all the waste, and have a clean, healthy environment.

yes, we need to do together, it is everyone need to take responsible.

good your writing and sharing.

thank you so much for your support.

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