Darkness Inside Still Have Hope....

in #life6 years ago

Continue From "There Is Something In The way....."

I wonder how he write a project report to the office. And I found out that he always ask someone to help him write a report before he summit. But actually he was a nice guy and hardworking and humble. So the boss used him as a pet. At that place I met another friend who was from Myanmar as well who he was work for the company for about 10 years.

He try to help me explain me all the situations. He also very serious about Myanmar politic at love NLD party (National League Democracy). He is very active and serious. And he also listed from the company and clash with 2 brothers before. So, he tell me everything about the 2 brothers, ask me to leave from the company as soon as I have chance because that company have no room for our future.

Another thing he also wanted man from our country because of he was so active for NLD campaign. So he can not go back to Myanmar because when he arrive, the government will catch him and put him into jail. His family also under government supervision.

He also love the bike so that I can make friend with him, I always remember him during our break time and lunch time we used to talk about motor cycle and we plan to have a bigger bike. When we get big motor bike license (Class 2).

I continue to go adoration chapel and pray faithfully. One day while I am changing my entry pass to plant at the guard house, during they stopping time I slip and fall with my bike and my feet got swollen and I feel more upset and more blame to GOD, but the story began for my escape way out.

On that day at the break time, I receive a call for interview from another company and they want me to come interview at the evening but I can’t make it for the evening so that I request for the next day to get appointment for interview.

They agree with me but I don’t know how to take leave for the next day because of their company rule to take leave was need to inform a week before. I have enlighten that because of my feet swollen so that I can go and see doctor and get the medical leave.

So I went to clinic and show my swollen feet and get the medical leave for the next day so that I can go interview for the next day. At the next day, I went for my interview at Natsteel Holding company.

The company was very big and 2 different office, one is for accounting and commercial office which is main building and the other is HR, operations and others. I went to main building and wait for my interview but no one shows up and look for office stuff to check with them for my interview. But the location was need to go to HR to get my interview.

After I arrive to HR office, I manage to meet with the correct person and wait for a while to get my interview. 4 of them interview me for the job experience, work pass and salary. Everything was very well and smooth. I went back to my home with hope and excited. I waiting for their return call on the next day and I get my new day when I wake up with hope and go for the current job.

I share the story with my friend (NLD) and he was so happy for me and we keep secret for ourselves. From that day I get a hope and I feel much better to go to work. A few days later on Friday, they give me return call and I am selected and invite me to come and sign for the offer.

At this time I just simply inform that I took my urgent leave for the half day and go and sign all the agreement and get back to work with my smiling face from my heart.

On Saturday and Sunday, I prepare my resignation letter like a winner for the battle.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)

Photos credit: Google Image


There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.
Nice images,also loved how organised each paragraphs are. Nice work.

thank you so much, i will try more.

I resigned by email the same day
I realized the truth about what I was feeling.

yes , i fell like freedom.

some of political word don't understand
just surround you

yes, it is every where, it was can't avoid.

No, every person on this planet has darkness inside them. Buried so deep that only you know it's there when your world is coming to an end. Oh, but it's there. It's always there.

yes, we need to let go.

I interest good job! But i am not a degree.

i also did not completed my Uni, due to my accident.

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