coming home with new desire...

in #life7 years ago

Continue from "I Wish I Have More Time With Them...."

At afternoon, my first cousin come and visit me before I go back to Singapore. We chat about their family members and business that he currently doing. About 2 hours later one of my wife relative came to visit us with lots of food. A while later one of my friend who is also spinal cord injury man from Myanmar visit me. We chat about how my daily life and survive during all my trip, because he also wanted to travel around.


After they went back, one of my old friend from Singapore visit me for before I go back. We are very close during we worked together in Singapore for 8 years at the same company. We chat about 2 hours, and he need to go and fetch his family at city area. At the same time my wife and her sister need to go out to city area to meet for one appointment. He gave a lift for my wife and her Sister.

And another childhood friend want to come and meet with me before I fly off, so I ask him to come my house. Before he come I ask him to fetch my wife and her sister from appointment. They manage to contact each other and come back together from city area. Because of New Year eve, he want to drive his taxi until the next day. We had been never meet each other for 15 years. We had a good time talk about childhood story and family story. He left from my house around 11pm.

After we called off the day and rest for the next day to go back to Singapore. My wife cousin and relative come and pick us up to go to airport with 2 vehicles. I met with my aunt, my mum and my 2 sisters at airport. All of them are not sleep yet since New Year eve because they go for midnight mass and finish at 2 am in the New Year morning. So they also prepare for us some presents and directly come from their house.


We check in at airport for departure. All the process are smoothly done, and airline give priority for wheelchair check in until seated to the aircraft seat. My son was so exciting to go back to Singapore. On the plan he talk about how excited to go to new school and singing along. He ate 2 sets of regular flight meal, one is his quota and one is his mother’s meal. After the flight landed at Changi airport, we take our time and buy something from duty free shop.

We need to 2 taxi to come back home because of too many goods for ourselves from Myanmar. At home, while we are away, we let 2 visitors from Myanmar to stay at our house. They came for Christmas in Singapore. They waiting for us at home. We starts to open all our languages, foods from Myanmar to arrange and keep in refrigerator.


We prepare to have lunch, and continue chore, some cloths need to do laundry, language bag need to wash, dry and keep. We get some nap around evening time to re-charge ourselves because we woke up early morning to travel. It is still New Year, we decided to have small party before two of our guest going back to Myanmar on the next day. Around 6 pm we woke up and prepare to start our New Year party with Singapore friends.

Not many friend come and join with me because most of them are still on holiday to hometown. And also we can not drink much because 2 visitors need to go back the next day early morning as well as my son need to go for his first day of school. We called of the day around 10:30 pm.


One to the visitor was happen to be my later Uncle’s (Priest) class mate. We introduce ourselves and got to know about that. We talk about how grateful and smart about my late Uncle, all their childhood stories at the difficult time in Myanmar, how bad their breakfast was that only rice and salt available. How they get train from De la salle brothers while they stayed at Mayanchaung bordering school in Pathain.


The next morning around 5:30 am, we wake up to prepare our son to school as well as for our visitors to have breakfast. We only can send him to void deck as one of his Singaporean friend plan to send him to airport because as we also need to send our son to school. We have arrange school bus for our son but we still need to go to school for moral support for his first day at school. Everything was fine for the first day of my son school and he enjoy a lot.

To Be Continue.....

GO WELL....(By: PatrickSanLin. MSC 007)

Photos credit: Google Image!


I've Follow, Upvote. Interesting post. I like, multiply the article and expand it again. Spirit and keep working. Follow me @madimancity

thank you so much, see you around.

thanks for sharing good post. :)

thank you so much, see you around

Excellent photo, beautiful post, thanks for good sharing

thank you so much for your support, see you around


Thanks for sharing , Sir .
I wait next coming post .
Please care your health Sir.

As a new steemian, I am getting to know why it is tag "life"by reading your posts. I am not a writer, so I appreciate the way you narrate the events.

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