Awakening Of The Inner Man...

in #life7 years ago

John G Lake wrote, “When man subjects that great God-man of the heart to the degradations of the desires of the outer fleshly man, how that inner man must groan. God never intended that the outer man of the flesh should be the governor of the great man of the spirit. Just as the outer man receives by impression, through contact, the things that occur about him, and as these are recorded in the soul, so the greater range of action of the spirit, through the spiritual senses, permits man to touch God Himself. He is able to touch the best things in the universe and bring them back in consciousness to the soul. The spirit man has a larger range of action than the physical man. Both the physical and the spiritual man record their facts in the soul consciousness. The awakening of the inner man into the likeness and stature of Christ is the greatest element and purpose that can occupy our lives. The new force that takes hold of our heart is the consciousness that God has an eternal purpose in our life. A divine mission and purpose that will continue to unfold even beyond our life in the flesh.”

The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace. Follow - leave a Comment - Resteem for your friends to be blessed as well and Upvote so that we should continue blessing nations with Hope in Christ Jesus!

Pastor Lea

La version francaise se trouve en-dessous de l'image...

John G Lake a écrit: "Quand l'homme soumet ce grand Dieu-homme du cœur aux dégradations des désirs de l'homme charnel extérieur, comment cet homme intérieur doit gémir. Dieu n'a jamais voulu que l'homme extérieur de la chair soit le gouverneur du grand homme de l'esprit. Tout comme l'homme extérieur reçoit par impression, par contact, par les choses qui se produisent à son sujet, et comme cela est enregistré dans l'âme, la plus grande dimension d'action de l'esprit, par les sens spirituels, permet à l'homme de toucher Dieu lui-même. Il est capable de toucher les meilleures choses de l'univers et de les ramener dans la conscience à l'âme. L'homme spirituel a une plus grande portée d'action que l'homme physique. L'homme physique et l'homme spirituel enregistrent leurs faits dans la conscience de l'âme. L'éveil de l'homme intérieur dans la ressemblance et la taille du Christ est le plus grand élément et le plus grand but qui peut occuper nos vies. La nouvelle force qui s'empare de notre cœur est la conscience que Dieu a un but éternel dans notre vie. Une mission et un but divins qui continueront à se dérouler même au-delà de notre vie en chair ».


To deprive a man of his natural liberty and to deny to him the ordinary amenities of life is worse then starving the body; it is starvation of the soul, the dweller in the body.

- Mahatma Gandhi

Jesus is the answer for every man's question...

Open the eyes of my heart and my anderstanding more and more Lord, you remain the same just our mind must be regenerated to the conscious of who you are and what we are in you

Thank you Holy Spirit for opening our eyes to see you as you really are... Much love!

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