Beautiful morning to be alive!

in #life7 years ago

Here is Central Wisconsin we used to believe that we lived a quiet life away from the hustle and bustle of the big city. This morning it appears that we have the Jet traffic most often associated with a large urban area.

Take a look at this mornings view

I really do get nauseated looking at these practically every day. Anyone else feel that way?

Here's a closer look

Anyone have the same view? Share your photo in the comments

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Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering! Raining little virii and nanofibers and toxic heavy metals on us all day long.

Yup - and do the people really believe that it's for our own good? Who is that blind?
I understand this is old news, but it's still happening!!

Used to see it a lot in southern California and in the high desert around there... not so much here in the Pacific Northwest. Or maybe I just live in a "low fly" area...

Thanks for commenting!
Yeah, I thought for a week or so after the election, it was slowing down.
Not so sure anymore. Wish it would end.
Glad it's not so bad by you.

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