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RE: The Future: An Efficient Justice System Run By Artificial Intelligence

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I think a jury of our peers, as it was intended originally, where our peers are people who actually know us and can provide in depth perception into the matter of our character, was a great idea.

I also believe in jury nullification where not only is the defendant on trial but the very law itself. If the jury believes the law to be out of line, they can vote not guilty even if the defendant is clearly guilty of breaking that law, simply because they do not believe in the law.

I love your thoughts, and that you have this opportunity to share them, but I've got to disagree with you on this one.

What we need is a restoration of an informed populace that can apply the original judicial system intentions, which included a jury of our real peers and the option of jury nullification.

I would rather have my actual peers determine if the law is valid, and if so, if I'm guilty of it, rather than an artificial intelligence.


I disagree with you on this one as well :) but I see where you are coming from. However in the small amount of cases where juries will not convict because of their beliefs, there are many more that do choose to convict because of human error or bias. I think the idea of AIs running the justice system would take a very long time and a very tough adjustment to make , but I truly believe that at the level of AI I am talking about, the systems would be near human in emotion, compassion and ideas, just with a better analytical skill set.

I certainly understand where you are coming from, and I get it. It's just that personally I don't trust it, since man has to make the AI in the first place. Programs can be tweaked and modified based on the preference of the one creating or supervising it, which I think can be dangerous. If AI judges could be proven to the best method, and everyone agreed, then it would be easy for those in control of them to modify them to work the favor of their personal preferences and beliefs. Once they were allowed and the human judges were taken out of the picture, there really would be no turning back.

Ultimately, "justice" seems to be too relative down here anyway, and it will always be skewed, which is no reason to give up, but most likely will always remain true nonetheless.

At least we can agree to disagree on this one. Thanks for the post and the reply @calaber24p!

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