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RE: A Post I Tried to Put Off but Our Family Needs Serious Help For my Father and His Health

in #life7 years ago

Have upvoted - wish only the best for you and your family and pray that God will bless and anoint you at this time. Your hard work will not go unnoticed


I probably should have been more open about this going on with the friends I made here but its like one of those things I just figured I could manage to help with on my own. I am such a sucker for not asking for help, I get that from my dad bad but that is kind of why this is going on because my dad won't let anyone in and seek help when he needs it. I really thank you for the upvote, just in hopes whatever I can raise the next week can unburden them at the least with a bill or this fridge going out mess, they been put in the hole longer than I may even know so I will sacrifice my earnings for a bit to help them out. I am sure it will turn out fine, just amazing to me how much this community cares, that is a huge thing after all the hours of work I have done...makes it truly show me its not in vain and I must continue on here as full time as I have been and I will. Thank you so much, means a lot to me and my family

You're welcome and you are a giving and caring person so you deserve all the help you can get

That truly means a lot to me...I aim most of all in crypto to do something to push this in my own small way to benefit the betterment of the future for all. I like to look back and say I used this right and I was a pioneer to change in the right ways against the evils of the world. Through love and compassion, that is the only way we will do that. Thank you

You're welcome :)

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