Underdog butterfly, or is it the bird?

in #life6 years ago


I dream in color. It has been self-documented through dream-journaling. My spell corrector is reminding me that I shouldn't use the word journal as a verb, but it is wrong. Journaling is a verb. Words in action, propelled by my own thoughts via the use of my hands. Verbitude.

Yesterday I sat on top of a hill out in the countryside back in my hometown. I watched a bird chase a butterfly for a solid hour. At least. The same bird, the same butterfly.. the same me on the hill. It never caught the butterfly. Did you know they fly in zig zag patterns specifically to avoid being eaten by predators such as birds? They are masters of deception.

My sister asked me, "Why are you sitting outside in this hot August weather?" My mom, who was standing there beside us, reminded her, "It isn't August, though." It was so funny how my mom said that. She knew my sister knew it wasn't August, but enjoyed telling her that it wasn't a fact. My sister sighed, "Yes, but it's hot and muggy and I'm burning up. I'm going inside."

Then, as I stayed there, my dad came over and told me he didn't understand how people could be inside all day on such a nice day. He gets it. My dad just gets me sometimes. It wasn't that he wanted to really share with me that he enjoyed being outside, too.. but he was letting me know that I'm not weird because I want to sit outside in the August-June weather and feel the wind on my face as I watch a bird fly around a field chasing a butterfly.


When I watch things like that, by the way, I always root for the underdog. But watching that exhausted bird.. I don't know. I was kind of cheering both of them on in my head. "You can do it," I would say to each of them in my telepathic way which is surely always one sided.

One-sided telepathy is a thing I do. I assume too often that people can hear my thoughts and that they automatically know what I'm thinking. It causes problems sometimes, I guess... miscommunication is so very frustrating.

That's really all I have to say this morning. Been feeling quite blue.. in a weird mood. I wish I could see what the mountains look like. They are so near to me and yet I have never seen them. Big mountains of the Appalachian trail. I lived my life on the plateau at the bottom of them.. never venturing all the way up. Isn't that strange? 42 years old and I've never gone that far eastward. Why do I not? I do not know. I make no sense to myself.

Photos by @paintingangels. ©2018 s.matthews - Byrdstown, TN.
I'm a proud member of @helpie. ♥

Indeed butterflies... we call them teasers hehe. Usually they are very difficult to photograph and they can fly so quickly if they want. You can only photograph them if they really want to let you do it. :)

go and start climbing the mountains !!! But you may never want to go back down ;)

Beautiful thoughts you have there. Seems like it's been a bit of a blue time every where, as I have felt it too. Things just won't go right, and life piles itself on top of an already huge pile of waste... but the drama between the butterfly and bird will show you that you can never give up. No matter how exhausting life makes you! I hope you start to feel a little brighter soon!

Hector and I call butterfly "teasers" we actually use the English word even when speaking in Spanish... but somehow, I understand the bird has to eat but I would be like "run away butterfly" fly faster, hide!! aww ! they're so pretty.

I like your dad, how he sees you and knows you. I think that is most important to have that one person that gets it. <3

One-sided telepathy is a thing I do.


Great little post again with wonderful pictures... again :-) Thanks, @paintingangels! <3

One day, you really should go and see the mountains, just so you know for yourself what the look like. Pictures don't tell the whole story.

Your hometown is gorgeous 😍

HI, @paintingangels,

I'm so happy I saw this post just now. I love how you write, just free flow sharing your thoughts. Can't wait for full-on telepathic communication in next couple decades. Sometimes I get in trouble too thinking I shared something with someone, only to realize it was telepathic not out loud or via Whatsapp or other somesuch messenger.

I'm not weird because I want to sit outside in the August-June weather and feel the wind on my face as I watch a bird fly around a field chasing a butterfly.

Lately I've been realizing I have to reorder my life so I can start spending more time out in nature just being. Not doing as much of that as I used to years ago. Thanks for sharing the bit above... sounds heavenly just... being with breeze, butterfly, bird, beautiful landscape, family nearby.... and you.

Would your Dad go with you on a little mountain trip? He may enjoy getting away for a bit with you to keep you company.


PS JUST noticed that my upvote brought your total to 1:11. Not 11:11 but I'll take the cosmic number message. ;)

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