
You said it was proof, it's not proof, it's your opinion. Where did these racist attacks occur?

It's proof! Here's more proof!

Intolerant racist homophic communist ANTIFA at Berkley University, shutting down free speech.

It proves nothing, its just a protest. Interestingly, I looked up the event and aparrently it was a right wing rally at the university that the left wing protesters were there to counter.

So you have just proved that not everyone at universities is socialist, or there would never have been a right wing rally there in the first place. Obvious! Im on neither side, I just dont like to see things presented as proof when it clearly isnt the case.

It was a speech from a white homosexual.

The intoleract racist homophobic communists got triggered and became violent.

It's further proof that universities are full of low IQ morons who get upset with facts.

There are countless examples of such events.

What relevance does the persons colour of skin or sexual orientation have? Unless you have evidence to the contrary; none. Left wing protesters challenged a right wing speaker, that's it, end of story.

Just because you say something is proof, does not make it so. Why is it so hard for you to accept that you made an error in calling this proof?

You really are not using the correct wording here, fascist leftwingers showed up and beat people and pepper sprayed them. There was "no counter protest", stop using weasel words that let people off the hook of doing illegal activities, it is called rioting.

On a public campus you are allowed to have your free speech legally. So not only are you factually wrong on calling it a counter protest (watch the few hour footage it is a riot), you are also legally wrong in saying in not so many words that "those right wingers had it coming because X". Nobody has anything coming. Yes you can protest another protest, but that isn't what happened. You know it. You want your side to get better? Maybe win? Then you need to call your own side out for their bad traits so they can fix them, pretending it didn't happen and "boys will be boys" attitude is going to further alienate the moderates in your party.

The right currently has a majority in, Presidency, Senate, House of Reps, Governorship, State Legislatures, Supreme Court.

Right now the Dems have almost no power anywhere beyond their states and many of those were recently lost. Seriously consider your trolling to be counter productive, try to start couching your arguments with rationale and logic and come up with a reason for the Democrat party to exist, and maybe you guys would win.

If you reply to me and say anything about it not being a riot or say it was a counter protest I am muting you, not going to feed trolls here @scalextrix.

But I'm not saying anything @scalextrix. I am just providing proof and facts.

In Berkley, the racist homophobic ANTIFA communist bigots, attacked a white homosexual male's speech and shutbit down.

That's a fact.

My initial post shows low IQ university students, who don't know what socialism is.

That's a fact!

Communist losers like yourself @scalextrix get upset and start trolling my posts.

You're as ridiculous as @preparedwombat.

Just block preparedwombat, you prove them wrong in one sentence and they go onto another thing, prove them wrong on that, they move the goal posts and say it isn't proof enough, they need 10 proofs, give them 10 proofs and they change the subject.

They are high ego trolls who think they have a high IQ because nobody argues with them in real life, so they get on the internet and just think they are right even when proven wrong with evidence.

Don't feel like you need to waste time on these fools ozmaga, they truly just spew crap and will continue to. Let them, everyone reads the stupid shit they say and doesn't upvote them. That is the beauty of it, they try so hard to troll or whatever they are doing, it backfires and converts more people to the light and seeing truth.

I love it when @preparedwombat trolls me. It just gives me further opportunity to prove myself right with plain and simple facts!

And now @scalextrix is getting epic butthurt by simple points of fact!

Both need Trump #Butthurt Salve!

You're calling the kids at the universities stupid and saying they have a low IQ, but you can't even spell Berkeley correctly.... And it's UC Berkeley (or just Cal for short), not "Berkley University"

It's a typo @brianm4. And yes, the universities really are full of brainwashed communist idiots.

Furthermore, you're not disputing any evidence I provided, just the spelling of Berkeley communist re-education university @brianm4?

Does brainwashed ANTIFA terrorist Eric Clanton still work there?

Yes, because no one else can make videos that just shine a bad light on a certain group of people...

And you still can't discredit what I have said!

Why are you shifting the topic @brianm4? Is it because you're stupid and you can't deal in facts?