Trump confirmed to be a made we didn't already know.

in #life7 years ago

Stephanie Clifford(Stormy Daniels) 60 Minute Interview.

So lets just list what we knew already but is now confirmed:

Trump and Melania don't have sex: Trump responds to Clifford's worries about his marriage with ‘Oh yeah, yeah, you know, don’t worry about that. We don’t even—we have separate rooms and stuff.’

Yea the way Melania swats his hand out of the way when he grabs for it was pretty indicative of this. Plus, her severe case of Resting Bitch Face(RBF Syndrome)is parrallel with the mentality of a woman who can give up the purity of her womb for a life of luxury.

Stormy and her daughter where threatened by a paid Croonie to keep quiet.

Well, of course. What good is a high profile affair without the complimentary threat on the woman's life?....Jesus Christ.

Trump wants to have sex with Ivanka: When Trump first met Clifford, he stated ‘Wow, you— you are special. You remind me of my daughter,’

Add this one to the long list of inappropriate things Trump has said about his daughter, Ivanka. Apparently, Trump is missing the DNA strand that makes oggling your daughter repulsive. This man is the POTUS. What....The....Fuck. Part of you wishes you never saw this just to preserve the miniscule chance that the leader of this country wasn't the degenerate you already knew he was. Of course, the other part of you knows that was just very very wishful thinking and who the figure head is doesn't matter anyway. You really just came here to weep on Clifford's behalf for letting the Donald 'Trump' her without a condom...GROSS!!!!

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