You can be whatever you want in your life! Make time work for you!

in #life8 years ago (edited)

You want to be a pilot, a doctor or business man ? It all starts with you. You can do all these things in your life to make it mean something! There are a few risks that you need to take to achieve your wanted goals. Your lifestyle won't change itself you need to do something that is meaningful for you and that you love doing. Without this part it won't happen. 

Make time work for you!

Time is the universal currency, it will always pass by you, not knowing how to manage it is what most people do. Making time work for you is the best option that you have, you want to create something that is meaningful and not wasting your time for nothing. For example playing video games, or wasting a lot of time doing other stuff like drugs which waste both of the world's most precious currency's and thats your health and time. Video games can be something that people enjoy doing and some do it for a living, which is perfectly normal everyone earns from something but you can do that too. You can be a doctor or a business man if you dedicate the time necessary. 

You want to create the perfect plan that will work for you and the ones around you to be amazed by how you did it. Dedicating the time for a plan is something that most people don't do in their life, even if its a small 2-3 paragraphs with 1 spider diagram of what you need to do to succeed its not going to kill you but it will make you want to achieve that. A perfect plan is key to success , everyone who succeeded out there has made a plan on how they will achieve that. That's the perfect way to get to your set goals .

Set achievable goals, then move upwards!

You want to earn $1.000.000 In one year, but have no set goal for that , that won't really happen if you haven't done it before or don't have any help or knowledge on how to get there. A achievable goal is a goal that you can achieve with hard work and learning from many mistakes that you might do along the way. Everyone does mistakes but not everyone learns from their mistakes and they keep on doing them again and again without knowing. 

A good goal is something like $10.000 by the end of the year to have in your bank. You can easily achieve this with a good plan, aspiration and determination nothing is impossible. When one goal has been achieved you can easily redo what you have already done and move up with your goals and maybe change that $10.000 to $1.000.000 in 5 years. 

Get up, your work is not done! 

Maybe your work was not as you expected, but this is not the end! You still have time to achieve what you started. Most people give up right before they hit the diamonds! This shouldn't be the case for you , never giving up is something that should constantly stay into your head and work for to achieve without giving up. Get up, work for it , do it again and again until your bones get tired, then sleep and repeat. Nobody woke up in the morning being successful. Everything someone successful worked for you should work for too. 

Surround yourself with like-minded people!

You don't want to be the only one in your group who wants to be successful and the rest of them to be failures, you want to be a part of a group that all want to succeed or at least talk to people that want to succeed , share ideas share opinions and don't be afraid to ask for help. People nowadays are too into their ego, they need to lose that in order for them to do something. Losing your ego and asking people for help, talking to people how to do what you have planed is something that every person that succeeded in their life done. Its not embarrassing when you don't know something we can't know everything , nobody does everyone has their own speciality. One is a doctor another is a policeman, but the question is , what do you want to be ?

I hope this was not a long post, and that you can put some of these things in practice in order to get your goals achieved. I might edit this with more or just create a part 2. 

With pleasure @overloaded 

#philosophy #steemit #success #inspiration #business


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