World's Richest 1% Bagged 82% of Global Wealth

in #life7 years ago


The inequality crisis is worsening. Oxfam found that the world's richest 42 people own the same as 50% of the poorest people. The largest increase of billionaires in history occurred in 2017.

82% of the new wealth created went to the top 1% and none went to the poorest 50%. The fortunes of the super rich increased by $762 billion in the year period since March 2017.

The concentration of extreme wealth at the top is not a sign of a thriving economy but a symptom of a system that is failing the majority of the population.


If you don't like it, quit buying their products and services. That's how you equalize the money. Oh, and start your own business where you sell product and services at the price points everyone is comfortable paying. At first your everyone will be a limited few because your costs will escalate your price point into the cosmos and then as more people glom onto your offerings it'll become cheaper to acquire the resources to make and thus the price point will come down.

These rich you complain about have already figured this out. So as I said in the first part, your only option is to stop buying their stuff. Buy instead from the little man everything you love dearly. Seriously, Everything, which means you might even have to give up on your current internet provider for one that uses a string stretched taught between two soup cans.

Just to clarify, this post was meant to point out a fact. I was not meaning it to sound like I was complaining.

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