One True Thing

in #life7 years ago

Photo by: Lisa L Peters ©2016

So many of us fall into our lives. We let our jobs happen, the people who are in front of us occupy space as our friends, we buy cars that are on the lots when we show up in colors that we can tolerate. We watch what's on, eat whats available. And maybe that's not entirely bad. It's good to be flexible and adaptable.

But it's also good to be passionate, to embrace life, to chose it rather than just fall into it. Things rarely fall into gold mines, they fall into black holes.

Look around you. What's there because it's there? And what's there because you want it so much and appreciate it every single moment?

Life is too short - and too long - not to love what you create and collect along the way. So here's my challenge to you: Every day, find one true thing that you love in your life. It can be something you already have. Or it can be something you are going to go out and achieve or acquire. But don't let another day go by without finding something you adore and filling your life with it.

Do this daily, and before you know it, all of the little things add up...and inevitably lead to bigger things.


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@accelerator I appreciate all of the support! MAP is such an excellent resource for creators.

Thanks a lot for this important reminder that should be obvious but we have all been there, life is just happening. I will take your challenge to my heart and find that thing every day:-)

@kerlund74, embracing the challenge is the highest compliment you can give me. 🙏🏻

I LOVE this! Resteemed and posted to FB! I'm sorry I have no power to vote right now, but I'll try to get back!

@pjprivett, your support is so appreciated. I'm very happy that you found value in my post. Thank you!

Very nice. We definitely take things in our lives for granted, even the ones that are precious to us. Great message

That we do. I try to be in gratitude as much as possible. But I often get in my own way.

yes. Me too

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