Friends: the family we are lucky to choose

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hey there readers, today I'll write to you about my friends, those beautiful people who fill our lives with joy and love, those who are there are my side in good and bad times, a family that I had the great luck of choosing.

Let's see, writing about each of my friends could become very extensive (but very peculiar), but I'll try to make it short and fun to you :).

Let's start:

Jennifer: this beauty is my best friend, we have about 8 years of friendship.

We met in high school because we studied together; when we graduated we both chose the same career (medicine), which we started at the same time, and from that moment we have been more together than separated hahaha.

She's a little person of beautiful feelings, grumpy, she's fast annoyed when I make jokes to her, she likes to eat a lot; despite being beautiful and thin is not the type of girls who will go out to eat a "salad" (as the stereotype haha), no, she's going to eat a huge hamburger with everything hahaha.

She's that friend to whom I can tell her anything and I know she will not tell me the words I want to hear, but the words I NEED to hear even if they are are good or bad, which I value very much (honesty).

Another thing that I value very much about her is that she has accompanied me in very difficult moments of my life, she has always been there every time I have needed her, her unconditional support is something that makes me appreciate her more and more every day.

She's the quietest group, but when she have a couple of beers it's an event :).

If I could describe her in 3 words it would be: beautiful, genuine, loyal.

Daniel (@davt014): this boy is one of the friends that the university gave me.

I met him in the second semester of the career, and from there we have seen almost all the semesters together, and he's my thesis's partner.

Faithful friend, unique charisma, very correct with his things, polite and kind to all people, his intellect is exceptional and also he's very affectionate; he's another who eats like 2 people together, seriously hahaha. He's a person who always has good advice to offer.

He is extremely obstinate when we doubt something he says, he has a very beautiful smile, and beautiful feelings; maybe you have seen it here with these super drawings that performs, my beautiful friend is extremely talented, I always tell him that I'm his fan hahaha.

If I could describe him in 3 words, it would be: talented, motivating, honest.

Diana: What can I tell you about this beauty? Another beautiful gift that the university gave me.

I met her when she was in the 5th semester of the career, she was known by many people thanks to her intelligence and she has always fought to make things fair for everyone. Little by little we got to know each other and until the sun today we're great friends.

She's a beautiful person, who despite measuring 1.50cm has a tremendous character, doesn't let himself be intimidated and doesn't quiet when she sees that something is wrong. She has an immense intelligence, is extremely ingenious in solving problems and has no "hairs on the tongue" to say things xD.

Faithful companion of beautiful eyes, excellent for afternoon coffee while we tell gossip haha. I have lived very beautiful experiences at his side and she has won my heart to pulse.

If I could describe her in 3 words, it would be: beautiful, sister, faithful.

Grecia: this chubby of love is another of the gifts that the university has given me.

I met her in the 2nd semester of the career but I didn't treat her, in fact she was already a friend of Daniel but I felt a bit jealous and wasn't very excited about knowing her, in the 3rd semester it was that we started to get along and until now she is a very good friend.

She has an amazing gift for sarcasm, she cooks exquisite desserts, she's very tidy and meticulous with her things (seriously hahaha), she has a super black sense of humor, and has a somewhat introverted personality but when she feels confortable she's a whole little box of surprises; person of very nice feelings, although she doesn't always show them, another one that doesn't have "hairs on the tongue" to say things and is an unbounded fan of Star wars, something that I appreciate a lot because she sowed me the curiosity to see the movies, the which I don't know how I could "survive" so many years without having seen it xD.

If I could describe her in 3 words, it would be: sincere, huggable, exotic.

Those 4 little people and I, we're a friendship group very united and full of love which we callit the sense5 (because the series sense8), even though we don't always have the time to meet, when we do it the love is the same and it is a disaster (in a good way); Of course we're all completely different in many ways, but in some way we complement and look for a way to not eat us alive hahaha.

Tell me if you have friends like mine, to know them too :).

PS: all the photos are my property.

Design courtesy of @yosuandoni.


Awesome friendships. Here is an upvote. Lovely photos. Very interesting. Thank you.

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