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RE: My Father, this exceptionnal man : General Nguyen Huy Anh, chapter 2 "The Angel from Indochina"

in #life7 years ago

YES! Another excellent post and fascinating life story.
Thank you again for sharing this @tiloupsa.
I'm sure it takes you many hours to collect and choose photos as well as for the extended write-up. BRAVO!
Can I suggest you link the previous episode into each of your posts for this series? (so that new people can directly click on it if they haven't yet read it)
Full upvote. Well deserved :)


Done ! Thank you so much for your great advice, Osmosis.... And thank you even more for following my dad's story... No, it does not take hours but months. For I have but little informations about this period and I had to search for ancient pilots in Avord to relate me the story. Actually, I'm now in touch with ancient pilots under my father's command living in California... it is a huge work but my Dad deserves it so much. And YOU deserve all my gratitude and my affection for being so closely in touch ! cheers, Osmosis !!

Months?! Hat's off to you.
Any plans of publishing it into a book one day?

No... my writting is not good enough. I'm not a writter, I'm an acupuncturist assistant and a kung fu practicer... I'm afraid my writting does not worth a book. But anyway, thank you for your "encouragement "(chais pas si ça s'écrit comme ça, en anglais, mais bon, j'ai tenté) always faithful and enthousiastic !

Si si c'est bien ca. En anglais, c'est sure que c'est plus compliqué car tu fais des traductions. Mais en francais, ca vaut vraiment la peine d'être publié. Dommage qu'il n'y ai pas plus de français dans cette communauté pour te le dire.
Bon après, c'est du boulot hein... et je vois que tu es déjà bien occupée.

et TOI donc ! tu a réussi à créer des journées de 28 heures ou quoi ? si oui, donne moi le secret vas, j'en aurais bien besoin;-) bon dimanche !

Il m'en faudrait plutôt 36!
Aucun secret, juste assez souvent collée derrière l'ordi en ce moment. Mais les beaux jours arrivent alors l'écran va se faire oublier un peu.
Bon dimanche 😊

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