July 7, 2017 Moon Ingress Capricorn

in #life7 years ago

On the Eve of a Full Moon

The Moon Moves into Capricorn (AND tomorrow we will have a full moon). In Costa Rica the Moon entered the sign of Capricorn at 11:44am CST, 1:44pm EDT and 10:44 am PDT, where she will journey until Sunday night or Monday very early morning (depending upon where you are in the world.

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Moon in Capricorn

When the moon moves into practical, accomplishment-oriented Capricorn, we tend to be more realistic, serious, and cautious in our practical endeavors and financial matters. As our ambition surges and our desire for structure and control increases, this is a very productive time for business and goal setting and strategizing. Our reputations can become very important to us at this time.

Avoid "should-ing" on yourself

Be gentle with yourself, and remind yourself that you are doing the best that you can do, given everything. Forgive yourself. (((I forgive you!)))

Mantra for the Moon in Capricorn

"I express my abilities without reservation
I find joy and hope inside myself.
I let go of behavior which impedes my growth.
I release the need to be in control of every
Situation and of others."


We are on the Eve of One Helluva Full Moon

Be gentle and forgiving and patient. I will write about the full moon tomorrow. We have chosen to be alive in difficult times. Be gentle with yourselves and others. And as I always say,

Be Fearless ~ Choose LOVE

If, you appreciate these Moon forecasts and you would like more, please:

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I'd like to try your chocolate, is there a website I can buy it on?

My dear, I do not have a website, only a Facebook page:https://www.facebook.com/talamancaorganicacacaoandfinechocolate/. Sorry, but I am tree-to-bar and a regenerative farmer; I am not putting my energy to profit return. Dumb,... maybe but it's my ethic. If you are in CR, well, let me invite you a tour. Sorry, to be a capitalist degenerative. I guess that I have other priorities. I will be at the Farmers Market in Puerto Viejo MANANA selling fresh Chocolate if you are interested.

Awesome info, I love the full moon and especially this months, it is my birthday week and an eclipse coming. Time for crystals under the moon and making a wonderful essence with these great vibes.

Sweetie and so much more. Gosh, we have to talk about this more. I will be posting more on the giant eclipse of August 21. Be strong and in love, and thank you dear @sunscape, I love your posts. You Rock!

Thank you @organiccacao I am so looking forward to this month through September. I love experiencing the energetic changes as we enter new gateways.

This post has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 4.17 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @organiccacao. Vote for Aggroed!

Huh. After months of stressing out about figuring out business structure and taxes, I finally met with my tax guy yesterday. And got my business account setup at the bank this morning.

Go figure.

Cool, nothing like that Capricorn (earth) structure. Awesome. I just wrote a full moon article (which is tonight). Maybe you'll like it too.

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