5 reasons and one more, why sticky trolls are actually a good thing

in #life8 years ago (edited)

image(Source of image: Wikipedia)

I have a sticky troll here in Steemit. You must have noticed him following me around, ranting and cursing as trolls do. To be honest, I don't know how to get rid of him, but even if I did, I don't think I would. Contrary to common belief, trolls are actually good for you.

Everyone knows that the first rule about trolls, is to never feed them after midnight (and it is always after midnight somewhere…). In other words, you should never respond directly to trolls and certainly not argue with them. However, if you make the mistake and break this rule, and they became all gooey and sticky, don't worry about it. As I said above, this may actually work for your favor, and here's 5 reasons why:

  1. Somebody is actually reading your posts - If you wonder if anyone is reading your posts at all (or in Steemit even actually enters them, rather than autovote), then know this: Sticky trolls are your most avid readers. They will not miss a single word of a single post of yours. Don't mind their sarcastic and often repetitive responses, but rather the fact that​ they can actually quote from you. It means that they’ve read your post.

  2. Trolls prove you right - When I was a child and bullies picked on me, my mother used to say, “They only do that because you are better of them”. A typical Jewish mother response I guess, but it still has a point. You should be proud if a troll chose you to pick on. It means that you have something truthful and meaningful​ to say.

  3. Trolls prove you wrong - What does being wrong feels like? Well it feels like being right. We all need a constant reminder to double check our assumptions and our beliefs, and who can help us do that more than a sticky troll? Trolls will do this job for us willingly and without asking for anything​ in return. And the greatest thing about them being our doubtful voice is that as much as we may want to, we can't get rid of them.

  4. Trolls remind us not to be trolls ourselves - Since I got my sticky troll, my replies to posts of other writers have become much more thoughtful and moderate, and more importantly, I think twice before I reply at all. This is of course, thanks to the constant reminders I get from my troll, how annoying smart ass responses may be.

  5. Trolls replies are a good and clickbait - Having at least one reply on your post increases the chance that readers will read your post. There is no such thing as bad publicity, as the saying goes, and in the attention economy this is even more so.

And there is a sixth reason, which is that sticky trolls help us train our compassion muscles, or as Tolkien wrote so nicely in “The lord of rings”:

Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends. I have not much hope that Gollum can be cured before he dies, but there is a chance of it. And he is bound up with the fate of the Ring. My heart tells me that he has some part to play yet, for good or ill, before the end; and when that comes, the pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of many – yours not least.


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Nice post @orenshani7 ! Added you to the steemtrail and followed =)

Yes here I am, your all so present in every topic troll,granted you call me a troll it is you who is the troll as you argued "so what if the terror attack was fake, does that mean it didn't happen?"

Not only that but you outright lie and distort truth while you perpetrate a course in journalism! Laughable!
You couldn't care less about journalism and that post proves it unequivocally!
You can argue that I am good publicity but no sensible person will even look at your posts once they read the one I linked above.
There is nothing wrong with lying you want to say? Yeah right, in your distorted world view there isn't, as you also deny classism and it's evident effects, you believe that class warfare is imagined and in peoples minds, how much more of a fraud can you be as a person?!

You can label me a troll, but you have no say in that aspect because it was you that denigrated an article right off the bat because it provided evidence that it was a false flag perpetrated by none other than your Israel can do no wrong state. In that post you lied and backtracked multiple times. To top of all this, my first interaction with you was by your other trollish remark to a pizzagate article. You were crying about the artist that painted disturbing murals in a family restaurant and his potential of becoming a victim while ignoring the irreparable damage of any young mind that was faced with when entering that "pizzeria" and upon viewing that "art". You can call me smart ass all you want, troll and whatever else floats your boat, I have only one objective when posting my repeated warning: to expose the fraud you are and get your repentance in a public discourse for the lies you spread and the cacophony you wrote excusing classism to merely in people's imagination. Until then you can entertain yourself with all the vying of the careless, but don't flatter yourself to much with me, no matter how twisted your logic is you will never pass for a human being who exhumes integrity and demands respect, you offer no integrity and no respect, therefore you gets no respect and will be called a liar, every chance I get.

Speaking of pizzagate I thought it be apt to post this here

Scroll on down to the comet pizza section, you chose to defend that artist who had those disturbing murals in that family restaurant, that's the hill you want to stand on, just like the one you mount when you wrote one of your first posts on this platform https://steemit.com/economy/@orenshani7/let-s-talk-about-the-rothschilds-20161115t71325295z concluding that and I quote your nonsense

If you want to really free yourself, stop believing in status and privilege. They are just a bedtime story.

Otherwise stop believing in the reality of status and privilege.

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