This is Crazy?! Colombians frantically scared for their lives! Massive corruption scandals.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life4 years ago (edited)

Worse than the media, worse than Covid-19 and worse than the economy shutting the FEAR. These people are so invested in their fear they aren't even normal anymore.

Facebook in Colombia

This is a culture that has always been deeply invested in their hygiene and appearance. It's a place where people shower 2-3 times per day in hot climates, and at least once in the cooler climates - and almost always in cold water. The Coronavirus has them running absolutely TERRIFIED. People have guzzled the kool aid here. Especially in the upper class areas most people wear facemasks, even though science has showed them as having virtually no effect.

Extremely liberal places like California, USA, have firmly put their foot down and said "No more!" Yet, Colombians huddle in fear begging their local leaders to give them, just a morsel of bread. As long as the government feeds them, they will happily stay home, play music and pretend it is a big party.

The busybodies post their cell phone pictures on Facebook with high handed remarks about "all those people in the street." And everyone will agree. If you try to point out that NOBODY has yet died of it here - and that it is still a 0.004% infection rate. They will actually rip you even as their elected officials are stealing them blind - and doing it in front of their faces.

Scandals in the National Government!

As a single mother living in strata three in Colombia, I am what is considered to be lower middle class. This is my place in the Colombian caste system based on where I live (great way to fly under the radar too). According to national publicity, there is a program #Ingreso Solidario, offering a pittance of $50 USD per month (160,000 COP), for people who do not fall under any other welfare category - namely the independent middle class. It is enough for one maybe two weeks of food, or what amounts to the monthly gas/electric utility bills. Most will not be receiving even a peso, as confirmed to me by friends and neighbors in the same strata. Only one or two people have actually reported their solicitud as being acknowledged and paid out.

This is, of course, one of the biggest corruption scandals since Odebrecht, the benefit program is called Ingresos Solidarios, or Solidarity Income. Fake and even real cedulas, or national ID card numbers, are being shown as allotted to someone else in some far off town.

The incident went viral on Facebook and the site was taken down. Now, it denies that there was ever a problem yet still no approval for most of us. Yet, people are still hiding in their homes, putting out red flags and hoping that their elected officials care. They don't. The red flags are to signify that a family is broke and hungry.

New World Order Model Citizens

Congratulations Colombia! These are only a couple of the incidences that I am mentioning out of hundreds. Even the local mayors who ARE distributing food, are pocketing half the allotted amount for each person for whom they are buying food.

The figures are inflated and people are starting to get desperate. Most of the government handouts are arriving at peoples houses with NO PROTEIN whatsoever, yet big bags of rice, pasta and sugar. Virtually no produce if at all. No coffee, even in the coffee region.

Keep in mind that the elitists have put their ideas out for years that "bugs are delicious" and "laboratory meat is sweet." Newer reports have even postulated that the currency of the future will be calorie based and low on protein. To keep us weak and submissive maybe?

But alas, I digress.

It would seem that Colombians are looking like model citizens in their behavior and submission to the total control their governments are putting on them. They are acting like ideal slaves of the New World Order. It appears they may actually choose to stay home until the vaccine is ready.

As an American I am not only seeing this and pulling out my hair - but even other American residents are parroting the party line and admiring the impressive government control. This makes me want to delete my Fakebook profile and forget my entire built up image as a lifestyle, gastronomy and tourism journalist/influencer.

Is Colombia Still a Viable Place for Expats?

Common sense is no longer common. And, there is a mob rule mentality deep within the Colombian people. They are very socially obsessed, driven by their lusts, and vain. Don't get me wrong, there are some amazing people here too, and I have known many who were total gems. Obviously I came here for a reason.

Yet even I, someone who has fought for them and the preservation of their art and culture - have to stop and wonder. Is it still worth the effort? For the most part - yes. The benefits STILL outweighs the current disadvantages. The ideal situation is living on the outskirts of a city, or even a small town. On June 1st the border will open and we will find out.

Part of me also wonders...

How can I start to find a tribe who are a little more awake than the average? People who see the signs of the times and have made, or are making the appropriate adjustments to survive and thrive in places like Colombia. There are still some tremendous benefits - a stable agricultural environment, national power grid which is independent of entanglements with other countries and favorable climates for cultivating.

Tell me what you think in the comments below. Don't forget to upvote, resteem and follow for future content, thoughts, pueblo tours and more! Colombia is my life, it's an amazing place - but we are living in Times of Coronavirus.

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