Without time there would be no onceuponatime.

in #life6 years ago

Except in Eternity,

(where everything supposedly happens all at once)


We all come from somewhen, somewhere, and someone.



Since my father, who would have been 97 yesterday,


passed away last month,


I present a retrospective of some photos


while I try to decide whether it's me,


or my notorious alter-ego @twiceuponatime,


who takes more after him than my mother.

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So long, Dad

Optimized-Dad12 (1).JPG

See you both in Eternity!




ouzo and out,

(Eternity bound)


Very sorry for your loss. Both of my folks are gone as well. Strangest thing, and maybe it will happen to you also: Once in a while I will for just a second get the idea to call and share something...it seems so natural and right for just that moment.. Be well, both of your egos :)

I had that strange feeling for years about an old lover. I was always longing to be able to share with her some of the places I was experiencing. It was almost physical, the longing.

I hope they got back together! They must have gotten back together, because how can heaven be heaven without our loved ones?

What if one went one way, and one the other? (just kidding - sort of)

They had a 70th wedding anniversary, one photo suggests... and somehow that suggests to me that they are somewhere else enjoying an existence unencumbered by aging bodies. At least it's a story I tell myself as a way of feeling more connected to something greater than ourselves.

I lost both of mine, 8-10 years ago. When my dad passed, there was a moment of feeling like an "orphan" of the Universe. An illusion, perhaps. They would have been 100, and 97, respectively.

Sorry for your loss.

It's my opinion that your belief system greatly influences what you experience at the time of your death - and beyond. And with a strong enough belief and lots of effort, you might even experience it before the time of your death. "Die before you die" is probably good advice :-)

What a wonderful tribute! Yes I completely understand. Life is precious and when they are gone, they are so missed. My thoughts and prayers are with you my friend. God's blessing and healing. Death of a loved one is something you never quite get over. You go though it as it changes you and molds you and absorbed in you. Gratitude is a wonderful expression.

Wow what a touching story about your parent, sorry to hear about the demise of your parent but I know that you are very proud of them. They have impacted your life positively @onceuponatime

Thank you. Since they grew up during the Great Depression and WWII they knew a thing or two about life.

My sincere consolidations one more time.
Your prays and thoughts as your kind behaviour on this earth should be his will for you. May you have all the blessings from your father.

Thank you @liondani. I am happy that i have a friend like you.

So sorry for your loss. I'm dealing with my own ill father at present. I lost my mother 7 years ago to Alzheimer, it is hard to imagine the world without parents, as growing up it seems as if they will always be there, but maturity and adulthood shows us that is not the case.

We all internalize our parents to a greater or lesser extent. So they will always be participating in our lives beyond even our genetic inheritance.

I like that, “See You In eternity”
Sometimes it’s easy to forget but I feel
Like that eternal part of our selfs and everyone is always right here.

It's a game of "hide and seek" :-)

Haha the never ending hide and seek of the gods ;-)

Haha the never ending hide and seek game of the gods ;-)

Looks like a good man was here once upon a time.
I hope all strive to be a better person when looking back their own once upon a time.


I had to google that a bit though I was in a Catholic school for 2 year.
I don't think we need many saints. I just rather more people do no evil. :-)

OK, for you I will stop doing evil :)

I'm so sorry... It's very hard to lose our loved ones, especially our parents.. However I strongly believe that the ones we truly love never die.. We keep them alive in the sweetest memories...till we meet again.. :)

Not all mt memories of my father are sweet. However, we made peace many years ago.

That is also important... :))

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