How to be Happy? Life style

in #life5 years ago

Hello, people in Steemit!


Today @omavantquero speaks to you for the first time to present the project "Life Style". A project that aims to make happy those who are included in our world with each article.

This project focuses mainly on that no matter how bad the day or the situation that our reader is living, can spend a pleasant, fun and useful reading our articles.

Now, our way of doing it is to create varied contents that go from the didactic to the trivial, from the informative to the recreational so that each time an article is read, the reader feels more cheerful, creative, inspired and optimistic but that In addition, he has taken from the time spent reading a knowledge to make his life easier, entertaining and happy.

Our contents are proposed to travel from articles of interest to all subcultures to manuals to do a lot of things that will make life, work, coexistence, creativity, peace and above all the HAPPINESS of the reader more pleasant and productive. decide to put it into practice.

Each content is derived from information investigated exhaustively to provide the viewer with a truthful, real, sincere and above all useful and reliable article.
Today I invite you steemians to join the community that believes in this project and help us to make a healthier, happier, more united and simply better world by making its people happier, more prepared, motivated and creative.

Happiness is a lifestyle.

I invite you to believe in the project that literally wants to change the world with a manual to be happy.

I invite you to learn how to make your life more full and joyful with music, art, motivation, dreams, phrases, philosophy, passion ...

I invite you to immerse yourself in articles whose only goal will be that you like them, that they feel good, but not only while you read them, but whenever you remember them and put them into practice.
I invite you all to be believers that you do not have to live boring, that you do not have to live while you are dead inside. You have to die feeling alive. You have to die having lived.

I invite you all to be believers that the way to make a better world is to be better oneself because the world is built by its inhabitants. Happy people for make a happy world.

I humbly introduce myself and I look forward to you who can help me to realize my dream of a better world with this project.

"Happiness has a recipe that we all know but few of us dare to follow."

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