MULTIDIMENSIONAL REALITY: Part 1 - How to Experience other Dimensions of Reality

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemers! Here is the beginning of entering higher realms with personal experiences. 

3D - Let's start from the ground to fire up that rocket 

Most of the people detained them self in a limited concept of the 3D world that can be experienced with the five senses (if that even). That fragment of the world is defined with 3 dimensions of space; the length, width and height. In those terms most of the people perceive the world. However, even if you can't perceieve higher dimensions that doesn't mean they don't exist.

The human mind, as well as the eyes, is not able to perceive every detail even in three dimensions, let alone in other dimensions. To experience the other dimensions of reality, we have to see through our eyes, not with our eyes.

Reality does not consist only of what we see, just like what the ocean does not consist only of the waves. The reality has enormous depth, just like the ocean. To be wise and discerning means accepting the existence beyond the reach of our physical senses.


Wisdom, love and other virtues are not three-dimensional objects, but they are part of our reality, so we have to realise that there are other dimensions, they exist in an amorphous things as strengths and weaknesses, consciousness, soul, spirit, spiritual beings, memories, informations etc.

Where do ideas come from?

From another dimension! Some call it Akasha (Wedas and Rudolf Steiner). It literary means space, ether. Like a spiritual internet. To access the extraordinary ideas it is certainly useful to become familiar with the source of the idea, with the dimension from which they originate. Tesla used this Akasha term as he was saying all his ideas came from there. It is also known he often meditated.

What scientists say

Even scientists agree that most of our reality is non-empirical , but still the majority of people insisting on empirical explanations for everything, which is absurd. This kind of narrow-mindedness is the result of the outdated paradigm of reality. A modern, wider and far more comprehensive view of reality derives not only from the point of view of the most advanced physics, mathematics and nonlinear theory but also of intuition that anyone can personally experience.

What would happen if we could perceive all dimensions?

Human consciousness is not able to perceive reality in total as it is completely limited. We would go crazy if our mind could consciously perceive the millions of impressions which we are subjected every second, let alone from higher dimensions. And that's why it is good and necessary that our mind is limited. This is comparable with the knowledge how our eyes are limited. Just because you can not see bacteria, does not mean they do not exist. By the same token, just because our minds can not conceive of something, does not mean it does not exist or that it is not real.

Our Tools for higher dimensions

But we have  the "tools" to raise awareness of other dimensions of reality, like a sixth sense, intuition, faith, trance, transcendence and more. Many people who are very successful in life often point out that they owe their success and making important decisions just to intuition. So do I. 

According to Gregg Braden, some scientists say there is at least 25 dimensions. Stephen Hawking, probably the greatest living cosmologist of today, wrote about other dimensions in publications such as: "Inflation", "Singular Instantons and Eleven Dimensional Cosmology" and "Bulk charges in eleven-dimensions".

To reach higher dimensions, it is necessary to approach the idea of other dimensions with lateral thinking, not critical. Empirical knowledge with their incomplete facts, dry logic and linear processes often stand in the way of accepting reality and its use. You will reach it sooner with developing your virtues

The reality is different in different states of consciousness. Someone who is in the transcendental state of consciousness experienced reality quite different than someone who is not. Someone who is in love or elated experiencing reality quite different than someone who is hateful or, let's say, under stress. 

EVIDENCE 1 - Dreaming

One of the evidence of other dimensions of reality is a dream, for example. A dimension which has its own space, not  a 3D space, but outside of it. Many of the famous composers, philosophers, writers, inventors and other prominent individuals came to their ideas and innovations just in a dream. Therefore we shouldn't neglect that space. There is even conscious dreaming technique which you can easily train yourself to become completely aware of dreaming. When I used to do that I would know all my dreams in the morning to the tiniest detail. Even more, I could of "control" them as if I was awake inside a dream, fully aware.

EVIDENCE 2 - Soul Location

Another proof that there are other dimensions is awareness of the existence of the soul, which, of course, does not reside in the three-dimensional reality, but in another. The soul does not have the height, width and length as it is non-local in relation to 3D. Have you ever wondered where the soul is, if not in three dimensions?

EVIDENCE 3 - Wonders

Another proof that the reality has more than three dimensions are wonders. All of us sooner or later witnessed some inexplicable events that do not make sense if we rely on the three-dimensional reality. For instance the miracles that occurs in nature. On my phases of raised (expanded) consciousness (and if you want I will make post how you can also raise consciousness) I experienced so many miracles and others who witnessed that never questioned it for a second. Once in meditation, I was sitting under tree on a valley and strong wind started to blow around me in my aura field and spin around, like a moving windy sphere. I felt deeply connected to the wind and that bond was even stronger than mother and child. Few days after I felt deep love towards the wind from within and I went out on balcony, completely inspired and in love with the wind I raised my hands as my soul was saying "I love you wind!  I love you wind!". And the wind started to flow onto me as ih some huge windy hands of the wind came to hug me. A true wonder! Something that will always make me feel amazing. I shared this and some similar but different stories to my mentor, who is very open minded genious, and he said to me that is Manitu, spirit of Nature, as indians use to say. 

Some of the ways to enter higher dimensions

To enter this realms I would recommend meditating, chanting or just even daydreaming rather than acid, ayahuasca or any other agressive method. Do know that shorcuts like that are charged good on your pscyhe and cells. Provoking Kundalini before you re ready as well goes to this category. Remember it is a very expensive shortcut. But works too.  Plus I wan't you to know that yoga, meditation and that group of spiritual processing does not go in pair with marihuana. You will defragment across universe before you know it and your mind will become useless. Choose either one method or another. With any of this you can enter realms. Choose wisely.

EVIDENCE 4 - Death

Another proof of the existence of other dimensions are testimonies of people who have experienced clinical death. They went out of their bodies floating as hearing and seeing everything that was happening in the room in which their body was and beyond. Although they floated, other (living) people couldn't see them as they were in higher dimension (even though some gifted people can see and hear that). Also, many mentioned light tunnel through which they passed and got into a sphere where they met other deceased souls, mostly them known and beloved deceased. I will write in another posts some intimate stories about this as I helped my father and grandfather cross to another dimension in their death. And even myself experienced this passage (thula) in 2001. when I almost died from sepsis in hospital. That was one of the richest experience trough my life and I will post further on even that in all details.  After few years I came onto reading Tibetan book of the Dead, Bardo Thodol and I must say that was the most precise description of the death experience I have ever seen. All else I have ever read was not exact as the descriptions in that book. I would definitely recommend to all brave beings to read that. Even at some parts it seems to scary, in real it is not. It is completely natural and beautiful passing. I would say less traumatic than the birth. There is one particular verse from the wedas I love the most about birth and death;

"When you came into this world, oh Tulsi, the whole world was looking forward to and you were crying. And now, when you're leaving, the whole world cries and you're leaving with laughter."

So, really, there are amorphous, subtle parts of reality that are part of our lives and affect our ability to achieve our dreams and goals. We can deny/ignore or accept them and by doing so making them our allies. Success can not be achieved by denying and limiting, especially the permanent and comprehensive resulting susceptibility of all dimensions of reality.

More portals to higher realms

In case this wasn't enough for you to accept the higher realms, you can give a try reading wise man as Rumi, Rudolf Steiner, Plato and many others who say that this world (what we take as reality) is actually an illusion, pointing out that this 3D world to be only a shadow of the real reality beyond our perception. My favorite book of Rumi is Prophet, and Cosmic Memory (Prehistory of Earth and Man) from Steiner. Those two books are portals to higher dimensions among many other. I used to enter higher dimensions when I would meet new open minded person who would share their keys with mine. As well as when I would just share it with others. Interaction between two quality beings can be very powerful and enlightening. 

There are also those places in nature that lures you with intensive energy you might feel. Those special spots. Like water source on top of the mountain, or under some really characteristic tree. Or near the pond, you name it.  Where you just must sit in silence or even meditate. That's because of high Prana. Those places are like carriers to raise you on higher dimensions. 

Specific sounds - can carry you too - like wind, white noise of water, gongs, tibetan bowls, drums, chanting, overtones,  even some specific resonating music songs (ex: Brian Eno) as well as most known spiritual/religious music.  

Particular actions -  like transcendence as you painting or doing something that you love.

Theres many ways how to raise, and they are quite individual. Because we do not all resonate on same frequencies. 

There are as well a lot of artists as well who are sharing the visuals of higher realms. One of them and pioneer is Alex Grey and another that I like and recognise as valuable is Cameron Gray (author of the picture below and beyond). 

////// To be continued...

Thank you for reading and feel home to drop a line. If you are particulary interested in some experience you read in here in details let me know so I can prioritise that post before.


Have a wonderful day and higher realm dreams! 


IMAGE SOURCES // 1 // 2 // Author: Cameron Grey  


"Even scientists agree that most of our reality is non-empirical ,"

What? Please provide a citation for this claim.

Also none of the things you list as evidence are actually evidence for the claim you are making.

non empirical in term of hidden and invisible domain, non material forms. For example, quantum mechanics and the equations that describe superstring theories which postulate the universe with not less than 10 dimensions.
It is too long to make to much examples and I didn't want to complicate to much first post of the series. But explore Brian Green and reed some of the books. Hidden Reality for example. He is mathematician and physic.
I understand how you might think that this is not actually evidences, but that would too be another posts. You can as well put an eye on Michia Kaku and his book about hyperspace or Stephen Hawking - Inflation, Singular Instantons and Eleven Dimensional Cosmology. My ancestors were as well scientists and cosmologists well known and I was reading their manuscripts and books since kid. We had scientific academy and they too knew about higher realms and non empirical reality. I hope this helps.

Regarding evidence, etymology of the word from latin - evidentia, meaning obvious to the eye or mind. Now eye, seeing (not watching or looking) , perception and open mind is also a very long post. If you like I can write about that too in details.

The scientists you mention do not support the assertion of non empirical hidden dimensions. In fact they assert the exact opposite and seek to explore the possibilities of other dimensions in an empirical fashion, hence their work as scientists. You are grossly misrepresenting their work.

This is woo peddling pseudo-science akin to Deepak Chopra not Stephen Hawking.

Have you read any of those proposed books or you just googled and glued onto the shortcut informations? All you do is pointing a needle in the hay. I have read many books of those who I mention and many more. Just because you don't have similar perception to relate to the content doesn't mean it's "pseudo". Instead you will insult Deepak Chopra without any awareness who Maharishi is or what ayurweda is. I won't waste my time to explain you how you just insulted 5000 years of history on Earth and work and knowledge of many great man and experts just because you can't relate to the content.

Nomen est omen. Kind regards, O.

I have read all of if not most of the books published by the authors you have mentioned. This is not a matter a perception. This is a matter of you perverting their work for your means. You are being incredibly dishonest in your assertions and portrayal of our current scientific understanding of the universe.

Your use of woo-woo pseudo-science needs to be pointed out. If you take that as an insult so be it. The age of an idea does not remove it from criticism.

I'm not saying your theories of other dimensions are untrue. I am open to the possibility. I am saying your assertive language of this theory as being true and supported by current scientific understanding is bogus. You are insulting scientists by misrepresenting their work.

Very interesting read. Can't say I believe in the whole meditation thing but I do believe there are more dimension.

You should consider including a source for your images. Including a source not only gives credit to who made the images but shows you put time and effort into making your post. This may make people more likely to vote on it.

If images are Public Domain or CC0 you could just indicate that at the end of your post. All photos are Public Domain for example.

Finding the original source isn't necessary. A link to where you found it will do.

Thank you for your advice and compliment. I really put attention and passion into making it. As I'm new so still learning to make proper posts. Edited source images at the end and included link as well where you can buy posters. I tried many meditations techniques since kid so I know they work for this. I will make detailed post once about meditations and experiences but it will take a day to do it. Might be useful for people who wonder about meditation. Thanks again for your advice on source images. Cheers!

Interesting post. Thanks for share. Follow and upvoted. Cheers

Thank you rappiro! I'm just about to write the second part, but will probably take few hours to make it best possible. Reciprocated as followed :)

Very interesting nice topic, i like it. i will follow you

Check out my post about us as Multi dimensionality beings.

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