in #life8 years ago (edited)

Statistics shows:

It is estimated that 1 in 10 people have dyslexia

Over 40 million American Adults are dyslexic - and only 2 million know it

Dyslexia is not tied to IQ - Einstein and DaVinci were dyslexic and had an estimated IQ of 160

Dyslexia in not just about getting letters or numbers mixed up or out of order

People with dyslexia excel or even gifted in areas of art, computer science, design, drama, electronics, math, mechanics, music, physics, sales and sports

I am dyslexic too and I used to live a lot by myself, alone. There was periods when on everyday basis I would deal this same issue. I would look at the cooker dots signs for getting proper one turned on. I would look at it carefully few minutes struggling every single time to get right one turned on. And every time I would turn on the opposite (mirror) one. That made me so frustrated. There wasn't nothing in this world harder for me than that simple task. For someone having directional (mirror) understanding problem those dots can make such a perceptual mess. 

To understand this problem better look at the DIRECTIONAL CONFUSION explanation in here

So, I wanted to solve this problem. I wanted to DO something that might ease so many people's problem. You cannot know how hard this is and discouraging, unless you having same problem. 

After little research, I realised there wasn't simple signs cooker on the market at all that would ease dyslexic people usage. So I designed this one.

It was in JANUARY 2015. Me and my partner were trying hard to get contacts of any mayor production for cookers. We called so many numbers abroad. But we didn't have any luck. We spent a lot on telephone that month. I sent hundreds of mails with none responding. Even to some of product designs studios. We had apsolutely no sucess in receiving any response at all. What a shame, people might be that busy or ignorant. So, I post it here now in hope someone will notice this problem and solution. Instead of standard cooker signs as showed on second image that drives dyslexic people mad, I marked them with colours and added a lock key for children safety. Simple as that.

Au contraire, this is the standard that confuses dyslexics.

Why do I call it iDesign or ID - in short Intelligent Design, something that will upgrade world and ease particular group of people. For me purpose of design is exactly that. Detect the problem and solve it with creativity and simplicity. 

Quality ideas should never end up in oblivion just because some people are irresponsibly ignorant.

Thank you for reading!

Text and image:


image source: //// 1 //// 2 /////

Be kind to contribute with your opinions in comments. This idea needs support. Thank you!

For more info be kind to message [email protected]


I like this design so much ........

Thank you so much!!! Really means to me! <3

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