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RE: 台湾人的热情

in #life6 years ago

Hi sir,

Hopefully you are good at the end of God's grace.

I apologize since I was unable to write the yesterdays translation on your blog post because of temporary busyness!

This is your last Tuesday's blog post.

I hope you will see forgiveness.

English version:

About 14 or 5 years ago, I just took part in the work at that time. When I was attending an event in my city, I met a young boy from Taipei, called Su Zhibo. Well, I should remember correctly. This is my first time. Contact friends from Taiwan. The student, Su Zhibo, should have just finished his military service at that time. According to him, he had a relative who opened a factory in the mainland, so he followed the mainland.

The time I met with Su Zhibo was not too long. About a few months, he was about one meter seven, and his height was similar to me, but the whole person looked very strong and very big. I should still compare it. Skinny, although it seems to be fatter now. It didn't take long for him to leave my city and didn't know where to go. Later, some emails were occasionally contacted, but after a few years, the information was completely lost.

I was in the society shortly, and I was young, still very young. I was not very good at communicating with people, especially with strangers. On the one hand, some young people in my heart were inexplicably arrogant, on the other hand, indeed. I don't know what to say to others, especially strangers.

Although I don't have a long time to contact Su Zhibo, this Taiwanese friend has left me with a deep impression. For example, he will take the initiative to help others, and he is also very good at communicating with strangers. Sometimes he will meet friends from Fujian Minnan. Everyone will also communicate in Minnan, although I am listening to the clouds in the fog, but I can also feel their strange but intimate feeling.

Although there are often negative information on the island in the media, I often see some negative reports from the mainland on the mainland. I used to hope that one day I can go to Taiwan to feel it myself.

At the end of last month, I finally went to Taiwan for the first time. 

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

After the plane landed, there was no difference in feelings from the mainland, except that the individual texts were written differently. I used to visit the Forbidden City Museum for a long time. I always wanted to go to the Forbidden City in Taipei to see the bus. I found the bus to the Forbidden City on the map. I followed the instructions to the bus stop near the hotel and waited there. Perhaps it is to see that we are foreign tourists, or maybe other reasons. Next to a middle-aged person about 50 years old, took the initiative to ask where we are going.  

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

When we learned that we were going to the National Palace Museum, the other party kindly reminded us that the bus driving time is about every 2 hours. If we continue to wait here, it is estimated that it will take a long time. I also enthusiastically took out the map of the mobile phone and helped us find the bus stop near the Forbidden City Museum nearby and let us know. In the end, we finally took a taxi to the Forbidden City because we were rushing to save some time, but we were still moved by the enthusiasm of the Taiwanese. 

If it is a coincidence that an accidental road guidance is made, then one thing that happened again in an alley the next day made me deeply feel the enthusiasm and overall quality of the Taiwanese. There are some alleys in Taipei, which are a bit like some tourist lanes in China, such as the West Street of Yangshuo, the Phoenix of Hunan, and the Porcelain Port of Chongqing. On weekends or during the tourist season, there are many people, but different from Taipei’s alleys. The main ones were later built, and the buildings in Taipei are more from the outside. I don't know if it is the reason for the mobile phone network, or the problem of the electronic map. We have lost some directions in the alley. The map clearly shows that the destination is nearby, but it can't be found. So in desperation, I had to ask a local young man at the crossroads. This young man didn’t seem to be very sure at the time. After asking the person next to him, he enthusiastically helped us guide the road, and later worried that we were not I understand that we simply took us to our destination. Although the distance is not very far, this enthusiasm and enthusiasm is indeed moving. 

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

Taipei MRT (Metro) 

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

Taipei Shilin Night Market.

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

Taiwanese Beef Noodle,This beef is really amazing. 

Dear visitor friends, please visit the link and see the picture:

Sir, I wish you good health and longevity.

Have a good night sir.

Your Most Obedient,


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