in #life6 years ago



It is Easter, the day our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was crucified for my sins and that of mankind, That Awkward Moment series can not help but appreciate the Gift of Eternal Salvation given to Humanity for free; that whoever so believeth in the son and his death on the cross of Calvary has recieved everlasting life after death. Even in the midst of advancement in Technology, which could never overshadow this Supreme Love from God the Father; the one science and technology could never comprehend when studied and researched on.


There is a life after death, whether you agree to it or not; there is a subconciousness in individuals alive about something beyond death. Life after death is important than the present life we are all living. Why? Because it is most certainly longer than the average lifespan of 65, 70 to 80 years on planet Earth

Where do you want to spend your Eternity, where do you want to live your afterlife? In everlasting pains and suffering or in a place where joy and happiness is the air breath in?

Millions of people all over the world believes in a life after death, but not many believe in eternal damination or evalasting joy. My parents are in the afterlife and there is this strong hope for me that they both are in a place of Joy and peace- Heaven. To qualify for admittance to this Glorious place, the city of lights and the saints; one must accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior and believe on this day that the death of Christ on the Cross of Calvary is not in Vain.

Be concious of the life after you die and after i die, the life we live here on Earth, how good deeds and believes will echo into our afterlife where there would be no second chances to every actions we take. Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today, Read the Bible; the best manual to living a godly life and just maybe you could secure Eternity- Afterlife where Peace, Joy and Happiness is the Modus Operandi!

FOLLOW-UPVOTE-RESTEEM AND MAYBE DROP A SUPPORTING OR CONTRARY COMMENT.....It's your friendly Neighbor @oluwoleolaide for Steem-Lagos-Nigeria-Africa-World!

Badge courtesy of @jodi.pamungka Animated Footer by @rituparnaghos.


It is appointed man to die once after that judgement follows....
We should use this period to reflect over our lives..... We are just a stranger in this world, one day we will go back to our maker and give accounts of how we live our lives.....
We came to market on this planet....when we are through we leave....

Thanks so much @oluwoleolaide for sharing this mind blowing piece

Most Grateful for reading my dear friend..

You are welcome

Easter is a time to reflect on the sacrifices of Christ. His death, burial and resurrection has brought about freedom from the shackles of sin and death. It's the reminder that several years ago, the death of one man paid the price for all of humanity. Now, we are free; from sin and free to fulfil destiny. The demands of justice has been met. No wonder it is called good Friday. It is indeed good.

Thank God for Jesus!


Thank God for the Greatest Gift...

Thanks for this wonderful one brought at this time. The celebration of the resurrection of our dear lord Jesus Christ is one of the most festival that can not be overemphasis in every life of Christian in the world. He has risen again by his grace.... May the death and risen shall not be in vain. Happy Easter celebration to you over there sir.....

Otojometa sir

Great and thoughtful message. The gospel must be heard everywhere the blockchain is not excluded.

A hymn came to my mind now

The refain

oh what are weeping and wailing when the lost where told of there fate they carried for rock and the MOUNTAIN they pray but their prayer was too late


I love thatsong brother...

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