
sorry mate, still not enough balance to see me beyond 4 months if I am super careful.

I worked pretty damned hard to get all this together, and yes, most of it was rewards earned in 6 months of writing my ass off. It could well be my first time actually not losing money all the time.

I'm not betting any of it on steem though, I think I already bet enough that way. Winter in Amsterdam to scrape a little surplus beyond this was hellish. At least it cost me no injuries that are visible. I am still waiting for the bronchoconstriction to abate but it has become now clear that has been down to, ironically, the side effects of the most commonly prescribed asthma medicine.

I'm not feeling fantastic, but I am feeling very optimistic.

You will be fine mate,i'll say a prayer for you daily now!

If it makes you feel better, be my guest. But I'm pretty sure the Lord has some big plans. Can't hurt to say a few words in reverence anyway... The still small voice is telling me that all is well, but you know how that goes when you only get whispers of hope.

Yep I've been thinking about the way they've been running this madhouse - charleton heston reference - I powered down about 500 US and moved some it over to BTS (openledger - @lukestokes). Also, been playing the internal market selling high buying low. The first thing they need to do is abstract all the craziness of their API. Just remember, everything is pegged to something, even Gold.

yup. I had been trying to hammer into someone's head just this morning, that all currency, and commodities, are backed by SERVICES. Money provides a service even: that it is accepted in trade. A hamburger is a provider of the service called 'mmmmmm'. BTW, if you love burgers, then you'll love Serbian Pleskavitsa. oh my god. You know how giant a big mac looks in photos? these things will floor you

it is gonna be nice if after all this, the @steemit account has been powering down to harvest a profit for the initial stakeholders, and now, finally, the price has turned around, and SBD's peg has turned into a blessing. I bet that's burning someone...

Wealth, value, and price all driven by services

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