Unacceptable Driving Behaviours : Risk And Attitude

in #life6 years ago (edited)

There are road rules for all road users but because we are humans not everyone adhere to it.

There are times you may need to give two seconds distance ahead of the vehicle Infront of you, one of the very example is when visibility us poor, expecially when you are driving at night and when the road is wet and slippery or when you are on the road carrying heavy load in your vehicle,or perhaps the road is untared or their are men working in the road.



Some drivers often drive too close to others, thus is known as tail gating and it makes other road users nervous.

Road User Safety :

It is a fact that those wearing dark cloths are difficult to see when driving at night so it is mandatory to keep your speed down,so that you can have time to react to harzards,and do regular headchecks to avoid cyclist or pedestrian in your blind spot,



Normal car driving etiquette is good, mist driver use the high beam head light on highways with lightingor street lighting ,it is better to use when view is unclear, for those that want to avoid high beam light due to drivers that do not consider the impact it had on other road users it is better to do this if you are dazzled by the lights,slow down and pull over until you can see expecially for high beam light pointed directly in front of you by driving towards the right side of your lane before stopping.

It is also advisable to Negotiate bends , i.e before entering a bend you should reduce your speed, when you are on high speed centrifugal force tend to push the vehicle outward and it is advisable to avoid hard breaks in a bend as the wheels can easily lock which can slide the car out of control.Since it is difficult to keep within the lane in a bend you should reduce your speed .

So is a rule in all countries to always lookout for any pedestrian, cyclists, taxis,bus, trucks and motorcycle,even if they do not have the priority over the road,thus type of driving if adhered to is called defensive driving, avoid crashed at all cost .



When driving in heavily congested areas can be dangerous slow down and watch for harzards ahead,as some pedestrian often cross the road from behind your vehicle or Infront when your vehicle is moving slowly or on a stand still.

Be ready For Any Hazard

When. You are driving around schools, mosques churches shops, parks,shopping malls,etc reduce your speed as children are difficult to see due to there size and age leading g them to take unexpected actions line crossing the road unexpectedly,so you need to watch out for such harzards.

As a matter of fact many older pedestrian do not always see the car that stuck them down during a road accident.

Also be careful of older pedestrian when they attempt to make a a crossing,older pedestrian do not move well, fast, as the younger ones and often do not see clearly,so be careful pedestrian are the most vulnerable road users so it is advisable to adjust your speed to accommodate Thier sudden move .

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