Life won't always give you what you want....but how do you hold on in times of despair?

in #life6 years ago

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First of all, the understanding of life itself is the very first thing . One needs to know that life is a race of uneven tracks , life is an ocean with killer predators, life is a jungle with carnivores just don’t get eaten, life isn’t a bed of roses.

Once these mindsets are established, I call it preparing for the unseen and that I can call the first stage. One can’t be ready for all life would throw at one but don’t be knocked out when you’re been hit. And if you fall don’t stay down.

Holding on in time of despair requires not just the words of mouth but some real courage , focus and determination. Sorround yourself with positive energy, the type that’s supportive.

Life is very unpredictable, full of ups and downs , good and evil . Everyone wants the best outta of life but sometimes all efforts might prove abortive but hold on and be strong, don’t give up.

If the storm lasts through the night , Joy surely comes in the morning. There’s always light at the end of the tunnel, know these and you’d always be ready to make those lemons life throws at you into lemonade. Thanks

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