in #life7 years ago


To cross over in life, you need the boat of competence. That is why in this article am going to be talking about capacity building.
But first let’s understand what competence is
The word competence has many meanings. In law it means the quality of being legally qualified to perform certain act, e.g marriage, drive a car, and drink alcohol. The mental ability to distinguish right from wrong and to manage one’s own affairs.
Outside the law, competence means the quality of being capable of performing an allotted function efficiently, effectively, and successfully. It is the ability to deliver required services. It is the quality of possessing suitable or sufficient skills. Knowledge, and experience for some purpose. For example he hired because of his competence as an engineer. Competence is a cluster of related abilities, commitment, and knowledge, skills that enable a person to act effectively in a job, a trade, in school, or a situation.

Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. Because each level of responsibility has its own requirements, competence can occur in any period of a person’s life or at any stage of his or her career.
People love competence, they are naturally attracted to someone who can get things done, and your competence will make you to excel in every facet of life.
People will look for you not because of your certificate but for what you are able to deliver. People will follow you not because of your tribe, religion, or political party but because of the services you can offer them. Your competence will advertise you.
So therefore how to you increase your capacity for prosperity

Nike commercial said, “there is no finish line.” The law of expansion says, “Growth always increases your capacity.” As long as one is alive and of sound mind, one has the potential to keep increasing ones capacity. “The potential that exists within us is limitless and largely untapped when you think of limits you create them” (Robert Krieger and Louis palter)

How do you improve your capacity for prosperous living? How do you increase your competence for exploits?
The below are steps you can employ to improve you capacity as a person

Stop thinking more work and start thinking what works

Oftentimes we are busy thinking and planning what to do, more work to be done. We think the more we work the more we increase our competence. After all, “practice they say makes perfect.” This assumption is not true in all circumstances.
What increase your capacity is not more work, but work that yields capacity. Many people work very hard but have little returns to show for all their efforts. Doing a lot of things is not what improves your competence it is doing the right things.
To increase your competence asks yourself the following questions: the work you are doing, does it work? Does it give you job satisfaction? Does it produce desired result? Does it give you greatest reward?

Stop thinking can I and start thinking how I can?

It is important to distinguish between these two questions- CAN I and HOW CAN I.? It limits your ability; it doubts your capability to do a thing. On the contrary the “how can i” question recognizes your ability to do something; it is only asking for the methodology, the modus operandi.

One of the commonest reasons people don’t overcome their problems is that they don’t confront them enough. What you don’t confront. You won’t overcome. The “how can i” question gives you a fighting chance to achieve something.
When you think how you can do a thing, you also thinking how to build up your capacity to meet that challenge. The questions “how can i”? Is suggesting you are able to do, accomplish the task. But the issue is, what route do you follow to reach your goal? What type of competence do you need to fulfill the task?

Sharon wood, the first north American woman to climb mount Everest, said of her experience, I discovered it wasn’t a matter of physical strength, but a matter of psychological strength.
The conquest lay within my own mind to penetrate those barriers of self-imposed limitations and get the good stuff- the stuff called potential, 90% of which we barely use”

It has been generally observed that we don’t use up to 90% of our God-given abilities or potentials. The how can I question propels one to tap into the unused 90% of our potential. It is a learning question, it is a discovery question. it is a capacity building question.

Stop thinking one door and start thinking many doors

A common parlance says “don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”
Thinking one door is like putting all your eggs in one basket. It restricts growth; it hampers expansion; it breeds stagnation.
Thinking many doors creates room for options, alternatives, and explorations. Having many possibilities helps to expand your capacity. The more time goes by, the more you want to explore creative options.

success is a result of continued action filled with continual adjustments (john c. maxwell)

To increase your competence, you must change your thinking pattern; you must be ready and willing to be pioneer, to face the unknown, to conquer your own doubts and fears. That’s how you maximize your capacity

Oliver Wendell Holones observed,” man’s mind once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. To increase your capacity the first place to start is your mind”

all images gotten from

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Nice post.

This is so good. Amazing thoughts..

Beautiful post

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