in #life6 years ago (edited)

Source: my own photo of a wall poster in Solna, Stockholm

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Portugal, Man!

So, I have spent the last couple of days communicating with three real estate agencies in Portugal, trying to score a rental apartment in or around Lisbon.

It had proven not to be as easy as I hoped it would be, but I was determined to move there in the end of July, as my teaching contract ended in May and I was going to shift my professional career towards Blockchain space.

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I also applied for a one-year international MBA programme here in Sweden, at Jönköping University’s International Business School, starting this fall. I deemed it as a very long shot, due to the highly competitive selection process and tough requirements for the candidates seeking this programme. So I pretty much dismissed it as unrealistic and set my sights on Portugal.

Until this morning, that is. That was when I got the official decision from the Jönköping University’s Admissions Office. Somehow I made the cut!

GIF of Don Draper fainting

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Why MBA? (hey, this title rhymes with “Y–M–C–A!”)

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The programme is called “International Financial Analysis” and is supposed to:

…provide students with advanced analytical skills, both theoretical and empirical, in order to support the financial operations of firms and financial institutions in general. This includes using tools for detecting patterns in financial data and the knowledge to interpret those patterns.

Except from the programme’s curriculum

Stuff like investment analysis, international portfolio management, risk assessment, security markets and financial contracts is what really interests me, because I want to use this knowledge, coupled with my passion for crypto, for my future work on the cross-section of the FinTech industry and Blockchain tech sector. My ideal future workplace can be an NGO (similar to, but operating with crypto), an innovative financial institution, a crypto-investment firm or a development company that creates financial smart contracts on blockchain.

From Jönköping University | International Financial Analysis

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A New Plan

Image source: Jönköping University | International Financial Analysis

So, I’m still heading to Lisbon in two weeks from now. But I just bought a return ticket and I’ll be moving to the city of Jönköping, in Central Sweden, in mid-August.

It’s a nice feeling to know what I am going to be doing in the next 10 months. Although now I have a new challenge: to find a decent place to live in Jönköping, preferably asap. I have a friend who lives there, so I could crash at his place for a few days, but I would really need a place of my own in the long run.

I still plan to continue studying an online programming course for Blockchain Developers that I am (slowly) making my way through at the moment. I’m also planning to take another online course in Blockchain Business Management this fall, developed by @ivanli. All these skills and knowledge should equip me for my future career in the Blockchain space.

But the main focus will be on my graduate studies. Hopefully I will be able to apply my newly acquired knowledge to trading crypto and investing in tokens.

Rest assured, I will keep you posted via my blog here on Steem!

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Congratulations Oleg on your acceptance!, you might be interested in as well. They have a similar focus to Kiva. Your future looks bright. :-)

Oh yes, I heard about, when I was doing my fellowship with two years ago. I should check it again now. Thank you for the tip, @giddyupngo!

Congratulations and goodluck on your studies! :)

Thank you, @beany-inhinyero! I am very excited to become a student again! :D

Congratz my friend I'm hoping for the best and I wish you good luck and enjoy this new experience. Changing plans usually end up in a whole new journey that adds value to life. Keep it up!

Thank you, Roberto! This change is a positive change, for sure, albeit a little unexpected, but definitely desirable. I feel like this new journey will be a lot of fun and might take me to some very cool places in the future.

Can't wait for all those new posts coming along :D

Wow! This is a great news!!! Congratulations on the admission!! I'm so happy for you!

Thank you, Martina! It’s a good feeling when something one really hoped for turns into reality. I hope it will happen with your plans and dreams too! :) It’s going to be a busy year, for sure, but I’m feeling ready and enthusiastic.

I hope so too! :) Well, being busy with something what you like is still enjoyable :)

That sound like a fun program. I hope you are able to fill your brains and find something reward to go into!

Thanks mate! Getting this degree should surely improve my chances to score an interesting job. Or to apply my skills to trading crypto, as a self-employed trader, in the worst case, haha! :D

Congratulations on landing a place in the course. Good luck and best wishes.
All the talk about studying and investment and finance made me sleepy already. :-)

Haha, thank you, Vincent! And sleep well! ;)

YMCA WHY MBA. That's funny brother. And...



Thank you, dear brother! Exciting new times ahead!

Congrats! Wish you the best of sucess! Expect to get even better insights from you in the future then!

At least more professional insights, hopefully. :)) Thank you, @newageinv. I’m very excited about this.

Nice when life starts to fall into place, now you are able to plan going forward @oleg326756

Studying blockchain related you definitely cannot go wrong, wishing you well in the studies and a great place to live.

Enjoy your trip to Lisbon, it should be lots of fun.

Thank you so much for your good wishes, Joan! It’s just like you’re saying, now I know the direction in which I can keep moving with my life. Lisbon is going to be awesome, I had so much fun there last fall at SteemFest! Were you there too, maybe?

No never visited Portugal, with our rate of exchange I doubt I will get there now. If I am able to afford travel it would be Scandinavian countries again, far north, totally different to Africa is what I enjoy.

Well, if you ever get to Sweden/Norway/Denmark/Finland, make sure to visit these countries during (Northern hemisphere) summer time. The nature is so beautiful here this time of year!.. Winters are rather depressing, though.

Visited during July-September on three visits have seen Sweden, Norway and Denmark my next will be Finland hopefully one day. Stay well, look forward to seeing your posts (holidays and home).

Congrats and good luck !

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