in #life7 years ago (edited)

The future is never certain. The only thing we can be sure about is that changes are coming. Change is the only constant and unavoidable thing in this world.

Allright, having gotten these philosophical truisms out of the way, I would now like to share with you some specific changes that I am facing and dealing with in my life at the moment.

An old photo from 2011. I wish I really felt as cheerful in the face of change as I look in this picture.

As many of you know, I work as a language teacher. I am teaching Swedish to grown-ups (age 20 and up), newly arrived immigrants and refugees. The work is meaningful and fun, the students are grateful and nice, the enterprise that employs me is decent and good, and my two bosses are awesome people (I actually consider them my friends). Also, a majority of my teacher colleagues are into crypto, so it’s a fun workplace too. However, all this is coming to an end soon. The educational project I’m employed at is going to be terminated sometimes this spring and another company is going to take over a follow-up project shortly after. Which means that all of us (including my boss) are going to be laid off on March 31st. There’s a chance that the Swedish Public Employment Agency (Arbetsförmedlingen in Swedish) might prolong the project one month at a time, and thus our contract will be extended until May (or June, or July).

Obviously, we need to prepare for this upcoming transition. My colleagues are using different strategies: some of them are already looking for a new job, some have their own private companies to fall back to (I do too, but my enterprise has been sort of neglected in the past two years, due to the lack of time and energy). The older ones are choosing to retire after this altogether. I myself haven’t made up my mind yet.

I know that I probably won’t continue teaching. These past two years have been very rewarding and interesting, but demand for these educational services is decreasing, as immigration to Sweden had been severely limited in the end of 2015. I also feel like I’m ready to do something different. So doing a similar job for another employer is not an appealing option for me.

Another option is going back to the public sector or civil society. In the past I’ve worked both for the Swedish state, for a municipal government, and for a number of large environmental NGOs. These type of jobs can be meaninful and fun too (they can also be bureaucratic and boring), but they would be more demanding than my current job and I’m not sure I have energy for them at this time. I am considering it, but it’s not a very likely option right now.

The third option is doing something just for fun. My idea of “fun” would be going to Japan and resuming my language studies there. One of my life goals is to become somewhat fluent in Japan – up to a degree when I could look for job in Japan, or at least be able to teach English there. Both learning Japanese and teaching English in Japan sounds like fun things to me! I am looking into two private language schools in Japan, one in Tokyo and another in Fukuoka, checking their prices and conditions. Both look great, but I’ll have to make up my mind soon, if I want to start studying sometimes in September or October this year.

There’s a fourth option, too. If I get accepted to an international MBA programme in Finance at Lund University in the south of Sweden, I might choose to do that for a year. The programme is in English and it’s relatively short, so I believe I could do it. Also, I did my previous graduate programme in Lund (Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science) and it was the happiest time in my life. I think it would be really fun to be a student again, a part of an international class, learning about financial system (and, hopefully, how best to disrupt it with decentralised crypto solutions). I really want to put my passion for crypto to use in a more professional way than how I’ve been doing it until now.

So, these are my main options. For the life of me, I cannot make up my mind right now. I think I’m just too exhausted and stressed out to see and feel things clearly. Also, moving out of my apartment and leaving Gävle feels like a major hurdle. I managed to make it my home in the past two and a half years, so leaving it all behind won’t be completely painless.

I am also trying to figure out what to do once my current job ends and before the next thing – whatever it turns out to be – starts. I’ll probably hang around, spending time reading, working out (I’ve been neglecting it for the past couple of months now), and brushing up on my Japanese skills. In the summer I have some trips already planned – some cool international week-long events in Portugal and Denmark. I would also like to visit Finland and Iceland, in case if I’ll be leaving Europe for Japan in the autumn. And maybe I’ll stop by my parents’ place in Southern Russia. They are getting old and we don’t see each other that often.

I am working on building up my savings – to use later, once I’m unemployed and don’have a reliable source of income. Thanks to my earlier investments in crypto I don’t face a risk of immediate financial destitution, but I wouldn’t want to live off my crypto savings alone. I can imagine that posting more regularly here on Steem, sharing stories of my adventures in the world, could help sustain me financially too. Actually, my earnings on Steem might become a major source of income, once my current job has run its course.

So, this is my current situation and a few possible scenarios for the future. What do you reckon? Do you think it’s realistic to survive by blogging on Steem? (I know that some people manage to do just that and are quite successful at that). Do you think I should follow my heart and leave for Japan? Or should I think more in terms of my future career and focus more on another job or a degree? And what should I do to worry less about the future and embrace the change? All and any advice, tip, and words of support will be greatly appreciated, as always!


What a story Oleg. I don't think you can survive by blogging on steemit just yet.. You should follow your heart and leave for Japan. Explore uncharted territories for yourself and just do what you're passionated about. Of course while you are blogging and building your reputation until you can be a full blogger!

Tend to agree with @yummyrun. Follow your heart. Even writing about and sharing all the possibilities, will have clarified it for you, within your own being. Your heart was singing the sweetest when you spoke about going to Japan. Sounds cliche, but take some time alone in a quiet space, within and without, and hear the 'still quiet voice'

True. Writing down all these possibilities and sharing them publicly was an exercise in helping me to clarify what is it I really want to do. I am trying to listen to my heart and notice what things make me feel most excitement. So far I noticed that:

  • learning Japanese,
  • travelling,
  • living in Japan,
  • going to interesting international events like SteemFest or Esperanto conventions

…are what makes me feel most excited. And, if I figure out how to combine this kind of lifestyle with a long-term economic sustainability, I will go for it!!

Have a look at this short article by @rebeccabe: Now is the time for manifestation where Dr. Joe Dispenza talks about seeing what you wish to bring into your life, as if it were already there, and most importantly being grateful for it. Working in this way, may help bring the integration you are hoping for about.

Awesome, thank you for the tip! I'll take a look.

Pleasure. After reading Rebecca's post/s, I'd like to read Dr. Joe Dispenza's book. In one of her posts she shared a video where a participant in one of Dr. JD's workshops spoke about regaining his hearing. TOTALLY unexpected 'things' can happen when we are open.

Just another thought: You may write out every single thing that you think is an option for you. And yet, the 'Universe' may have something totally different in mind. 😊

I think for now till you know for certain it’s the best time to jump on Steemit and make a little extra cash. Look at the price of SBD it’s like getting paid a bonus every time a blog pays out. Many forces are trying crash it back down to it’s $1 peg.

In time of uncertainty might as well take advantage of what you can while you can! The top people on the platform are making out like bandits! I don’t even want think how much they are making a week as SBD is overpriced! It’s insane.

If nothing else you have many trips planed out and those could turn into some nice and fun blogs to help cover some of the cost of those trips.

Hey oleg! I finally made my vlogumentary episode with your interview in it! Come and check it out :D
I hope you are well and life is treating you good x x Basil

wow, I just read your post. It sounds like some major decisions coming up! Like the others said, it sounds like the Japan trail will bring you joy, but perhaps higher education would be fun too? Whatever you choose to do, keep blogging on Steemit :D who knows how important it might become??? x love to you brother. I wish you the absolute best in this next course of life x

Love you back! <3

Wow, dude, it looks cool! Well done with filming and editing. (I do cringe looking at myself, however, haha! :D It's a natural reaction, right?)) I'm doing well, just a bit low on energy this time of year, but otherwise not bad at all. How about you? What next crazy adventure are you planning on embarking these days? ;)

YES, very natural to cringe! I still cringe at myself, although it does get easier eventually, your mind begins to numb to the torture! I am indeed preparing for a crazy adventure! I am learning LOADS of STORIES to become a storyteller in April......its going to be fun! I have an AWESOME costume.....but before that I am going to the lake district to act in a will all find out about that VERY SOON x x

I sure hope we can bring up that cheery smile then :D aww cool, so my Swedish is awful can i get lessons to? ;) Great story & a happy picture :D🐉💗

Aww, thank you! *blushing*

Actually, I do have my private students too. I charge 200 kr. per session (90 minutes). So whenever you’re around Gävle, please let me know and we can book a lesson! ;)

aww what a cute shade of pink ^^
Your so welcome :D
Gävle? naaa not anyy time soon :P sooo, i'l hope you can get my grade 4 up ?;) LOL


You sound like all your important bases are covered and you're still in the very early stages of your life.

Good for you, young man.

You didn't mention a family that you're financially responsible for, so I guess that's not a worry either?

Things you can always replace, time you can not - unless someone has solved that riddle and is keeping it secret.

A person's real wealth is his time - an unquantifiable variable. How do you really need to spend it? How would you want to spend it?

Money is a surrogate (it frees up time not spent on acquiring the necessities of life and whatever you decide is worth your time working for).

By no means am I advocating being frivolous or cavalier.

I just sincerely hope you can learn how to balance the ant (the purposeful worker/responsible saver) with the grasshopper (the carefree traveler/playful child) in you - they are both necessary to fully enjoy every moment of life.

Namaste (I recognize the divine in you),


Upvoted, following and calling on @originalworks and @steem-untalented upvotes for your post.

Oh man, I'm definitely not "in the very early stages of my life", haha! :D I'm almost 40. *LOL*

And you're right – I'm single, no kids.

Thank you for your thoughtful feedback! Namaste.


Thank you for replying to my comment and of course, your kind words.

My real life started when I retired - at age 40.



you write really well Oleg, I think if you put some consistency into Steeming you're do great here, especially with such a high SBD payout, I feel confident this will continue, and with Steem users just starting to come in by the hoards now, it will only get better:

High SBD Encouraging Sustainable Blogging and Higher Steem Account Onboarding in 2018

It’s very true. I think that success on Steem has three ingredients: Community, Commitment and Consistency. Each one is equally important and none works by itself without the other two. My commitment has been suffering in the past half-year, which led to the loss of consistency. But, if I manage to pick it up again, things should go more smoothly from then on.

Thank you for reminding me of this and for your words of encouragement!

following you now, I still think you should both blog and travel....but follow your heart wherever you are

Ho wow, that's some dilemma right here :/ I know how you feel very well, since life is leading me all over the place as well. Some people indeed manage to survive with blogging, but I believe it takes more time to build up audience and a factor "x" (which I haven't figured out yet). On the other hand Japan is a land where most of the people would love to set foot on so blogging from there might be more rewarding. Really difficult to say. Make a list, put all pros an cons of each option and see what your heart tells you. Also, you can try checking out if there are any project suitable for you in Japan?

Great. One of my best friends is a chef in Stockholm. If he ever gets to Steemit I will send him your way. Have a great trip. I grew up in America but speak Korean and teach English in Korea. The only thing that is certain is change. You look great!!

Wow. Thanks. That book really looks interesting. I'm impressed at one of the Korean students taken to Japan around 1930 Yon Dong Ju. He was told not to use the Korean language but he kept a poetry society going. He gave his life for his country and his language. I will look at that title now, "Pachinko."

Thank you! Wow, you're living my dream, haha! :D By the way, if you like historical novels, check "Pachinko" by Min Jin Lee. It's a story of Korean immigrants living and stuggling in Japan for three generations between 1930's and the late 1980's. As an American living in Seoul you might find it interesting.

I was in Seoul last summer, loved it!

<was here🐉💗 looking for posts? ;)

Coming soon, stay tuned! ;)

<tuning that radio ^^

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