
Ok, yes that was very kind of you. But why then are you so hateful to me? I never did anything to hurt you. I did block you after your comments turned aggressive, hateful and slanderous. Why cant we drop all of this?

Aggressive, hateful, and slanderous comments?

I think you had better stop right there, Mister. You have just crossed the line by accusing ME of things I have never done to you. I was ALWAYS respectful and polite in my comments on your channel, NEVER swore or cursed, and the reason you blocked me was that I questioned your actions and you never responded adequately. Obviously, you were afraid that others would also question your actions, correctly, as it turns out...

Any more of your accusations could find you on the receiving end of a law suit. Watch what you say, Sonny!

Are you serious??? Look at the evil things you have said about me on this forum. Right here. All I did was mention how you talk about me. And you want to sue me??? Really??? Wow!!!!

Not one single thing you have said about me here is true. You admit to not watching my videos but rather listening to lying trolls. But yet you spread their words in public about me. Boy, that is some backwards thinking.

I said "I hardly ever watch," not I NEVER watch.

Nothing I have said, either here, on YouTube, or on is untrue, to the best of my knowledge, belief, and experience of my dealings with you.


Where is the photo of your solar setup in the trailer? Still waiting for that. Come on Troy. Do it now, not tomorrow when you have had a chance to stage it...

Where is this alleged "Information packet" that seeks to destroy you? Show it, or STFU about it. Just like everything else you claim, no proof is ever shown.

But we should just take your word for it? Your word means nothing to me. You have no honour.

Bah. Go away nasty little troll.

No one at .sucks is going anywhere until you do what is right for your family, Troy.

So, here we all are, a day later, and still no sign of your imaginary trailer solar system.

Still no denial about transporting a convicted paedophile across state lines.

Still no show for the alleged "Information packet" that is stopping you from working in the whole of upper Michigan.

But everybody on this web site has seen how you will even stoop to offering cash, to make the truth to go away.

Unfortunately for you, Troy, not everyone can be bought.

Here's a little tune to cheer you up.

You got one thing right finally!!! There is no trailer solar power. We are not using the trailer.

But you told everybody that you were 95% off grid two or three months ago Troy!

You were allegedly living in the trailer then.

So, when are you going to show the imaginary solar installation in the "chalet" / shed then? This evening?

Are you going to provide your YouTube viewers with any entertainment today?

What about all those Patreon subscribers who have been waiting since FEBRUARY for the exclusive content you promised them? I expect they are pretty pissed off with you too?

How are the mice? You've had over six months to sort out your infestation. You were still complaining about them just the other day...

Lie after lie, Troy. You couldn't be honest if your life depended on it, and at the moment, it looks like it does. No-one believes you any more. You are the Boy who cried Wolf! one too many times.

Oh, and another thing. Why did you accuse .sucks members (un-named) of travelling from who knows where to your trailer trash home and pouring used engine oil in your truck's cooling system? What would be the point of that? You do realise that one of the main jobs for engine oil is cooling, don't you?

Who gives you the right to dictate where I work? Who gives you the right to destroy my life?

I have 100s of pages of screen prints from sucks members bragging about what they have done to me. Either you are quite delusional or you are not a good forum moderator cause they brag about it openly.

People here will go on your site and many will see what your people have done to us.

Your members are bragging about how they ran us out of our home in New York. I had to leave with my pregnant wife to another state.

Are you proud of that?

And stop repeating things and ignoring my questions.

Go away. Leave my family alone to make a living how we see fit.

If you own the contract why was she selling her property on craigslist?

You have to remember that if you lie about other people they need to go along with the lie. Her story is completely different from yours.

Why was the Shack for sale by the suckers you scammed on craigslist, if it was so great?

If that wood was being sold, as you say, why was it listed for free on Craigslist after you abandoned it in Pine Bush?

And the trucks, RV, boat, hundreds of pallets, tyres, greenhouse, dead chickens. What about those? Care to tell all the people here how you abandoned it all and ran away to Michigan, where your trolls would never find you?
And how did that work out for you, Troy? Your new address was located within five hours of you showing everybody a walk around of the property. Not through documentary evidence, but the real estate agent's web site. You just couldn't resist the chance to get one over on us, and it bit you in the arse! Karma. Enjoy it.

P.S. Its what you don't film that is really disturbing...

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