Truly A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday!!!

in #life5 years ago (edited)


Sometimes, well to be honest, often a perfect Sunday starts with a late-ish morning in bed. As I pulled back the drapes I saw a perfectly sparkly day!


Rut roh, the sun is looking more than a tiny bit high in the sky!!! Well that is simply a cause for brunch in my book lol.



Fajita seasoning.


Broil about 18 minutes...


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!

Well the best laid plans... I had planned on getting the water toys in.

However Mother Nature had other plans.

It was rough as bricks out, so we decided to let discretion be the better part of valor and leave it for tomorrow. Never makes sense to jump in to a bad situation by saying well its not impossible to go lol.


I was determined not to waste a pretty but very windy day. I decided to do a deep clean of the windshields of the cars.


The best part of the day is when my friend surprised me with a call to go walking!!! I just love that. Some good conversation surely makes the walk much more enjoyable!

A woolly creepy crawley!


Of course it was chilly enough for me to rock my jammies!!!!


Why must people always be pigs???


Shout out to all the Canadians!


I love this!!


Pretty much located in the middle of nowhere.


I have some books to put in it.



How cool is that?!?


Would you look at the size of this leaf?!?


There is always interesting things to see when walking anywhere.

Berries in an evergreen.


Well best be getting home now. It is getting dark and is NOT getting any warmer.


*** Have a great week friends.***

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All words and images are mine and can be also found on my various social media sites. Now I must add that some of the shots I steal from my son Ben @silver314 , but I feed him so he can sue me lol.




That was the start of a beautiful day! It has to be a nice feeling to wake up to that view every morning. Love the way the sun shines off the surface of it.

Yummy fajitas!I love them and they certainly make a great quick meal, don't they? Cutting them up and tossing them on the broiler. Easy-peasy. I guess it doesn't get any better than that for a quickie.

Sharing a walk can be a fun way to pass time. I can see that and what better way to have fun and get your exercise? I do love the free library concept. We have so many right here in the neighborhood, it is hard to justify putting up another, but can one seriously have too many? I think not.

Wooly jammies? :) Why not? Wouldn't want you sneezing all over the chilluns later in the week. Even the catapillar had his on. What kind of leaf was that? I hope today is a better day to take in the boat. No sense in risking life and limb. It is not going anywhere.

It is going to be 77 today. I can only hope it forgot that Autumn is coming. Havea great day!


Oh you do know how to leave just the most warm and fuzzy comments!

I love the view first thing when I burst out of bed! Makes me just want to share it and say good morning ;)

Well it is a balmy 43 here. Darn near swimming weather. You just keep Camelot humming right along till I get down there.

Hello? That makes people think you are moving next to me! LOL

You are going to live so far away, you might as well be in Tennessee... Oh, wait! You will be! ;) I do believe that you are colder than Alaska at this point. Just saying.

Well your neighbor next door hasnt told you yet, but we're talking. The rat is trying to get top dollar from me tho LOL! ;D

OMG u r so funny! Go ahead then, rub it in some more. Alaska omg! All I can say is karma, Princess!!! :p

Looks like it was a great day, @old-guy-photos! I love those community libraries so much! We have them near us too. You’re smart not to risk taking the boat out when Mother Nature is cranky!

Hey @old-guy-photos!! Great blog. Sounds like an awesome Sunday. ❤

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Never read any Danielle Steel but I saw the books displayed before.
Almost missed this in the #beautifulsunday. It's not showing up in

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