Random Questions About Me, II.

in #life2 years ago

I love answering questions because they give others a peek into my views and how I think. It a way of opening up and let others read a bit more into the person. I always enjoy "interviews" as I always call them.

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What annoys me the most?

People that lie, that change their words as often as they change their boxers short and people who try to act smart. Why? Because it's an insult to intelligence since they think I am so dumb enough not to know, so that's a direct attack on me and it annoys me. Those who use emotional blackmail to gain support and loyalty from people and those who blindly fall for them without much thought.

Do others find me likeable?

That's something others would have to answer. I've never been in the business of trying to please people. Even at your best, there would still be those who would find you offensive. Your haters would see you walk on water and they will still say it's because you can't swim. I might not be able to highlight all the roads that lead to success but I am so certain of the one that leads to failure which is trying to please everyone. I don't care whether others find me likeable or annoying as long as I have a conscience clear enough to sleep at night.

When was the last time I fell head over heels with life?

That should be daily. I take life daily as it comes and whenever I make a post across all my platforms and I see the engagement in comments and appreciation in dollar signs, I know my value is still being appreciated and I am grateful for the opportunity and life.

Am I enriching other people's lives with what I do?

I believe I am. The feedback I get gives me hope that many people are feeling blessed with my works, words, acts of kindness and reach out. What's the essence of life if you can't make someone better than you met them? I like leaving traces of my goodness in the heart of people so much that when someone asks you to say something about me, the first thing that would come to your mind is, "He is kind.". I don't mind if that's all that can be said. We need kinder people than cute/pretty faces. The best compliment you can get shouldn't be "You are beautiful" or "He is handsome" but it should be "You are kind." To me, that's all that matters.

How meaningful is my life? What makes life meaningful?

My life is meaningful because I get to make people happy and give them reasons to keep pushing through life. What makes life meaningful is the ability to make others happy. Have you ever helped someone albeit in a small way and the expression on that person's face says a lot more than what you did? I live for those moments and that's what makes life meaningful to me. When I do it for others and of course when others do it for me too. It inspires me to keep doing more.

How much money would I be willing to give to those in need if I won the lottery?

I act based on what my mind tells me at the moment. I might say a certain percentage now and then give more later but definitely, nothing less. I always follow my heart and I have no regrets. If I won a lottery, you can be sure that the teenager initiative would be birthed and motherless babies' homes would be visited. I've never been the type to shy away from giving or giving excuses for not.

Would I lay down my life for somebody?

Why not? My family. There is this quote I love from this novel I read many years ago by James Herbert titled, "Nobody True". He said "I am not afraid to die, I just don't want to be there when it happens." He was speaking about out-of-body obsession. Death is not the end but a means to an end, so I would gladly lay down mine to extend theirs. What's in life anyway? The stress, drama and frustrations can be tiring sometimes.

Am I worthy of being loved?

Who isn't? Even the worst of humans deserves love because that's what can bring them back on track. I've never been perfect too yet I am loved just as others haven't been, still, they should be loved as well. This is why I am not a fan of those who judge others by the mistakes they make. They start judging you based on what was said about you...only if they know what has been said about them by these people too. Yes, I am worthy of being loved because I am such an incredible human being. If I don't brag about myself, who will?

What talents/skills do I have that I can do better than anyone else?

Ability to observe - not many people can. They just want to talk and get things off their chest and still, they mess up the whole situation.

Strategic thinker - I think faster than an average person even if I choose to keep quiet and observe. A lot goes through my head and I think differently than most people which makes counselling and giving people advice come naturally to me.

Running - I love running. When I was teaching as far back as 2009, the best student in school challenged me to a race because I was a new teacher then and I dusted him. He couldn't believe it. He asked us to do it again and still, I won. That guy didn't hear the last of it as everyone in school started taunting him. Some even told ex-students who promised to come for the inter-house sports just to see me in the teacher's race and yes, I won the teacher's race too but I haven't gotten my gift to date.

Writing - I don't have to say too much on this.

What are the things that put me off?

I mentioned this in the first question.

If I had not been born, what would be different about the world?

They would miss Olawalium and all my awesomeness as I've mentioned already.

Would I enjoy watching a movie made of my life?

Absolutely... Get ready for some suspense, romance, lessons and actions.

Is my definition of success the same as everyone else's?

Success means different things to most people based on their background and exposure.

Do I have a personal mission?

Of course...to help teenagers get it right in life and also write tons of books.

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on Read.Cash.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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