Tithing has been the trendy topic of the Nigerian community on social media. What do have to say?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


This tithing issue has gotten to its peak; My opinion on it. 

The argument has been that the paying of tithe is fraudulent.

About a year ago when I made a post on Facebook asking people to be mindful of how they give their money to pastors, a lot of people fought against  my post. I want to make something clear, I'm not against giving to the church. I also don't believe the "church" isn't doing anything to help  her members. I remember when I had problems with my boss, it was the "church" (winners chapel) that God used to help me. But I don't support the idea of giving like someone who has been hypnotized into believing that if they don't give, they'll be under God's wrath. 

Why are our pastors preaching to keep practicing tithe when they discard other laws is what I don't understand. Some argued that we pay tithes not according to the law, but the practice of Abraham. Again, Abraham did not give ten percent of all he had. He only paid 10% of what he got  from the battle. Also, Melchizedek came out to meet him with a provision. After that, I never read where Abraham paid tithe again. 

Some people raised another defense for tithe paying by saying that the money  is used for church projects. I don't think those things are necessary. The church we should be focused on are not those big structures we are  busy setting up. The church we should build are the humans, every one that names the name of Jesus Christ. The house of God it's no longer the one made by human hands, but you, I and everyone who has the Holy Ghost  dwelling in him or her. 

The church is now a big business in Nigeria because we have misplaced our priorities. Almost everyone now wants to be a pastor. People now compare whose church is bigger or even richer. Pastors now buy a private jet and live a luxurious life at the expense of their poor members. 

The money donated by this poor members are used to build schools only for the church authority to make the tuition fee too high and unattainable to the those who contributed money to set it up. 

I don't implore anyone to pay tithe or to stop paying it, but personally, I don't pay tithes anymore. I give to those who are in need. I strongly believe that whatsoever you do for your fellow human being you do it  for God. You mustn't give to your pastor or to the church before you know you're doing it for God. 

Be the judge on this; is it better to feed the hungry, help the widow and orphans with your money or give it to your pastor who will use it to buy private jets and build schools too expensive for the poor to attend? 

I'll like to know your opinion on this issue. 

Image source:imgur.com







Wow finally someone that reasons just like me in this tithing thing.for me I can't be offering my tithe to a man that has accumulated enough wealth for his whole generation rather i'll gladly offer it to the needy. Thanks for sharing

tithe paying has never been made mandatory by God, but it is a way of showing appreciation to God almighty for what he has done, i still don't understand why most people find it difficult to pay their tithe. the funniest part is the person will end up paying the 10% in a wrong place unknowingly, am a tithe payer and am also a testifier. Let God do is thing,it is not until he give you money in return for the tithe been paid, what about the life a person have, how much does it worth ?
it is only when there is life the person will be able to spend the remaining 90%

The preachings about tithe this days is getting too much,making it look like there is another motive for collecting tithes,I am a christian no one can cajole or force me to pay tithes but i do it because the bible says we should pay 10% of our earnings,a little appreciation for all God has done is not bad.

I prefer to give my tithe to the poor than giving it to Rich pastors.

Hi! @ogoowinwer,
This is what the bible has to say about tithes.
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it". Malachi 3:10.
Please note why paying tithe. "that there may be food in my house"
Any other use with tithe....... I cant fight for God. Sometimes we put ourselves in the place of God, thats the problem. God is almighty. He can take care of his Church in his own way so why do i have to bother myself. He demands obedience to his word. Period. And total obedience to his word brings blessings. Please note: Tithing is different from alms giving.
My position is based on what I believe the bible says. I know some people who pay more that 10% out of their love for God. Who ever misuses tithe God will bring to judgement not me. For our God is a consuming FIRE. My take on some of these issues is we should tread with caution so we dont judge God's judgment for him. He is awesomely capable of taking care of Church. I am not a tithe collecting preacher though.

I can only say what I usually say when it comes to religion and Nigeria; nothing. Yeah, I say nothing, in order not to come off as the devil's advocate. Awesome.


most often than not, i do not really talk about church matters but i felt i should just drop my bit on this... i think religion and everthing involved should be judged personally according to one's convictions and beliefs... This God we are talking about is accessible to everyone, no one has a monopoly of God so why not search for yourself what you believe and why because in the end its a personal race... you dont need to justify yourself to anyone, you just do what you believe is right

i didn't knew about it thanks for sharing

This was the topic for a heated debate in my locality some days back. The truth is that the church is using the tithe money wrongly. It is to be used to uplift the church and members but especially the less privileged. What we are seeing today is a situation where the tithe contributors are being shut out from enjoying the ' fruit of their own labour' . It is not supposed to be like that. Hmmmm....... It is well. A great piece @ogoowinner and you have spoken my mind.

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