
@stellabelle will be very proud!
i think we need a steemit hospital ship! it can fund itself through steemit posts of the crew , it can be manned by african steemit users, we can also have land hospitals we should sponsor traveling hospital trucks and trailers
we should really fund a hospital using steemit! it could be steemit hospital where everyone gets wifi and a steemit laptop to post from haha or a smartphone! use steemconnect to get a patient on steem fast and show them how they can post to steemit from their hospital bed,

i bet we could really do a lot of with healthcare when we realize how people are very willing to help donate for other people's healthcare costs after they realize that when Steemit saves a life that person will probably use steemit for the rest of their life out of gratitude!

But also the media story will be big! imagine how people will see steemit after we build hospitals! I bet we could do it! I bet it would work

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