in #life7 years ago (edited)

Until today, I have never met an unkind Steemian here. My recent encounter with one has led me to write this post.  

  What is Kindness?  

  From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  

Kindness is a behavior marked by ethical characteristics, a pleasant disposition, and a concern for others. It is known as a virtue, and is recognized as a value in many cultures and religions (see ethics in religion). 
[1] Aristotle, in Book II of his "Rhetoric", defines it as being "helpfulness towards someone in need, not in return for anything, nor for the advantage of the helper himself, but for that of the person helped". 
[2] Nietzsche argued that kindness and love are the "most curative herbs and agents in human intercourse". 
[3] Kindness is considered to be one of the Knightly Virtues. 
[4] In Meher Baba's teachings, God is synonymous with kindness: "God is so kind that it is impossible to imagine His unbounded kindness!"  

Could Someone be Unkind without Knowing? 

The answer is; Yes. So many people are unaware that their actions or speech could be unkind.  

Here is the easiest way to help you know if you are unkind to others; 80% 0f times, it doesn’t really matter to you how the other person(s) would feel about what you say or do. 

Does it cost much to be Kind?  

No. Most times, it cost us very little or absolutely nothing to be kind. However, the rewards for kindness are unfathomable. 

Here is a short story on kindness.  

A poor boy was selling goods from one door to another to pay for his studies. One day he found that he had only one dime left, and he was hungry. While approaching the next house, he decided to ask for a meal. 
But when a young woman has opened the door, he only dared to ask for a glass of water. She looked at him and understood that probably the boy is hungry. So she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it and then asked how much he owed her. The woman replied: „You don‘t own me anything. Mother taught us never to accept pay for a kindness“. „Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart“, – he said and felt that now is stronger not only physically, but his faith in God has grown as well. The boy‘s name was Howard Kelly. 
Many years have passed. One day that woman became seriously ill. Local doctors could not help her. Therefore they sent her to a big city, where her rare disease would be studied by specialists. Dr Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he entered her room in the hospital, he immediately recognized the woman, that showed kindness to him, when he was poor. The doctor was determined to do his best to help her recover from her disease. 
The struggle was long, but together they managed to overcome her illness. After some time the woman received a bill for her treatment. She was worried that the amount to pay would be so significant, that it would take the rest of her life to pay for it. Finally, when the woman looked at the bill, she noticed words that were written on the side of the bill. The words were: "Paid in full with a glass of milk".  

How do we react to people’s unkindness towards us?  

It is a popular saying that for every action, there is an equal reaction. So we tend to return the unkindness most times with unkindness. But that’s wrong, two wrongs make no right. 

I suffered unkind words from a steemian today. His words to me were harsh and unkind, what I did was to block him on steemit chat. That was a major defeat on my side. I would have done better. 

Most times, the people that really need kindness are those who do not have it in their nature. We really need to start loving and being kind to them in spite of themselves. Most of them have this aggressive nature, because they have repeatedly suffered unkindness especially from childhood.  

The best way to react to people’s unkindness towards us, is to show them how to be kind, by being kind to them.

Tips on How to Show Kindness.  

  • Write a note to someone you appreciate 
  • Say a kind word to someone you don’t know. 
  • Tip someone who doesn’t normally get tips 
  • Offer a helping hand to someone who doesn’t deserve it 
  • Try not to reply any unkind word in same manner 
  • Be kind enough to love those who hate you. 


My very good friend @surpassinggoogle your kind nature is rubbing off on me. I really appreciate you. 

@infovore, your kind tips was very helpful. Thanks a lot.  



When we discover ourselves we see our true nature (love > power > a sound mind) we are kind.
Why is that? Because fear blocks us from our true nature.
Excellent content > UPvoted and followed.

Your comment is just killer sweet! Sometimes, more effectively than an entire post, it makes one speechless. It is time to feature you. Only you!

blushing Look at you, @unmean-stweets. You broght color to my cheeks. I am not special but I am uniqe just like you. It's steemians like you and @ogoowiner that make me see steem everywhere I go >. Kindness rules here.
source (4).gif

Steem everywhere, oh how creative! You need to see the recent unmean sTWEETs post and see more get more colors to your cheeks. The post was .........

Wow! Thanks very much @pitterpatter. I appreciate your comment, upvote and following.

Hi pitter patter, are you on i can't find you on there!

yes but i didn't catch you there either.


Sleep well @ogoowinner. Good night :)

This can be true really. In reality even when it comes to kindness there are times to apply caution.

Thank God it didn't cost you your life. "Wisdom is profitable to direct" this should also be in place when applying kindness. Thanks for your comment @lifeworship.

It has cost me my childhood but in return amazing results within. No amount of experience can give you inner strength when you do a kind thing in hell.

Very nice reading, thanks for posting. Sometimes it is not always easy to see what the effects of your words might be on someone else. Focusing on kindness is very helpful but sometimes difficult depending on the situation.

Well it is true especially in cruel world where focusing on kindness can also get you into trouble but like Selena Gomez likes to say, "kill them with kindness!"

You are welcome @lightsplasher. I'm glad you enjoyed reading it.

Kindness often does take effort but it's always free to give. It's a lesson I have tried to teach my children and it is something that I practice on a regular basis. What a beautiful post! You have a new follower <3

Kindness makes you attractive. People just want to follow you places. It has many facets too, so some people may not know when one has displayed kindness towards them but does it matter. Be kind! You are instill virtues in your kids and to top it, you doing that by being exemplary. Keep it up. We have always been your follower.

@merej99, it's always good to teach our little ones some good virtues. Thanks for your comment and for following me.

Like you were kind to me when making your judgement irrationally!

@papa-pepper Your kind Tip is well appreciated. Thanks a lot.

I love this post! thank you for writing it.
"In a world where you can be anything, be kind" is what I live by.

Thanks for posting this. I thoroughly enjoyed it! upvoted and Resteemed!

We enjoyed it with you. Your gratitude here is also kindness. Your gratitude was thorough. Stay awesome!

@lekikon082, thanks for Upvoting and Resteeming, That's kindness too.

You all are going to make my head swell super huge from all the kind words being sent my way. The kindness on steemit is one of the most attractive aspects of this platform.

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