Is learning useless and harmful?

in #life6 years ago


The is a story about an old smart man who didn't read books.

He was asked why did you stop reading?
He showed a big book and said after I read that book I stopped reading.
A man opened that big book and there was only one sentence: it is better to do something with my life than to waste another minute reading.

Some people try to run away, to escape their life's problems by reading fiction or about people do things instead to do something themselves.

There's a new term infocrastination - when before taking actions, you think to yourself I need to learn more. You learn, learn and learn. New book, new article, new video, new training but you don't do anything....

If this is you, STOP learning - start doing.

People fall into such a trap because there are a lot of information, most of which outdated and useless.

Consuming information is not learning. It is just a first step towards mastering something new, but many people stuck on this step.

Learning is getting new information, trying it out in the real world, developing new skills, new habits.

For example, If worry about your future, money, health. You should learn new information, try it out and develop in yourself better and more effective skills
to deal with problems of everyday life. Check out my last course about it

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