The long break - Lessons from Camp

in #life6 years ago

Hello everyone, it's being a while since I came around here to drop a post and this is due to the fact that I've been really preoccupied with a lot of stuff. So I basically have to serve my nation for a year now which starts this month and will run till the end of November 2019, I really hope it goes well. As a result, I've had to go to camp at Ekiti state where I'll be serving, surprisingly there was something different about the orientation camp this year as corp members posted to Ekiti and Kogi states of our dear nation had their orientation in Ekiti state camp.
I kinda had a lot of fun over there even though I was ill most of the time at camp, and at a point I was broke and started looking ugly thanks to a barber that gave me the haircut of the century.
A few activities where all that made the three weeks at camp fun, every other activity was just stress to my lazy bones lol. Yeah i got into trouble with the soldiers in charge of our drills once, then I got into the evaluation and statistical analysis team which was fun too, then cultural dance pheeew, was fun but stressful too. That was mostly all that made camp fun for me, owww I wouldn't want to forget a few people, my roomates and some lady friends that were really cool and yes the one I was crushing on but couldn't approach because she always had this sidekick beside her who was always frowning like she just saw the worst that could ever happen or something.

There was this time I was chanced to work at the kitchen with other platoon members damn that was some great day at camp, first off I got to wash plates.. I hadn't done that in a long while, then I did distribution and afterwards I joined in peeling yams and slicing vegetables hehe.. We couldn't stop laughing and giggling while all these activities went on. It was so much fun I slept off when I got back to the hostel.

Yeah so while at camp I learnt a few lessons and a I got to learn loads of lessons after camp, while at camp i wasn't really communicating with people and I kept to myself most of the time, can't say what exactly the reason was but I guess my mind came up with several excuses to stay away from group talks and dialogues. The first lesson was

Never let anyone get you to pretend to be someone else
, I guess I should explain what I meant by that.. So I met this group of girls three of them, they weren't really my type but the fact that my friend was with them I really did't think I had a choice but to talk to them too and as a result I noticed I was going out of my real self and at a point I had to start googling stuff to keep up with the fake me.. WTF.. It was so bad I started feeling uncomfortable and I spoke out, practically told them the truth.

Second lesson,

Never under estimate anyone
this one I learnt from a lady in the evaluation team, before joining the team I had no idea what I was signing up for I just did because I had missed my pc and needed to be around one for a while, after the address by our supervisor I knew I was in a little bit of deep shit because I hadn't been involved in an evaluation or analysis exercise previously, and I had no idea of how to work with the software to be used. But hey there's always a first time yeah? That's how this girl came up and started talking like a parrot, and she's like yes she know we computer science students won't be very useful in the team except when it's time to type so we should stay back and learn. It hit me hard because I felt very underrated.. To cut the long story short she sat back and learned all through the task and I sat up and worked lol...

Be good, Have Faith and Don't Give Up
, This is the best of all the lessons I've learnt because it helped me a lot before and after camp.

Now that I'm back to the block chain, I'll be going into trading which will be added to my programming, So from now on my blog will contain Trading and Programming related posts. Thanks for having me back


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