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RE: Musings XXVIII

in #life6 years ago

I am so so sorry to hear that you're having to try to navigate through this situation, not only on your own behalf, but on behalf of your parents as well. I have been through an eerily similar situation in my own family, and my heart truly goes out to you. My parents separated shortly after I permanently moved out (so I was in my early 20s), and while you'd think being an adult "child of divorce" would be easier to deal with, it really isn't. There are so many more facets that you are then expected to deal with, that I feel a lot of parents wouldn't subject their young children to. Being in the middle is just one of those facets.
My folks also ended up filing for bankruptcy during this whole process, and there have certainly been times when I've had to take over the "parent" role, and try to help out when things got really rough.
My parents have now been separated for over a decade, and the tension between them is still beyond palpable. I get anxious even mentioning one to the other. Having them in the same room for my sister's wedding 3 years ago was so uncomfortable that even friends who had never met them could feel it.
I could go on and on, but I don't want to over-share.
Suffice it to say, I can 100% identify, and I am here, if you feel like you need someone to talk to about any of this. Seriously, even if you just want to vent, or want to commiserate, or anything, shoot me a msg on discord. Sending you big hugs. 💔

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