in #life7 years ago (edited)

One upon a time, on a hill far away, three young cedar trees grew close together. One said to the two. '' I will like to be very great, when I grow up, I will like to hold in me beautiful treasures of silver and gold and precious stones''. Ho! Said the second tree. '' I will like to grow up real strong so that I can be made into great ship that will sail Kings on the high seas. And the third tree said, '' I will not want to leave the Hill top. I will like to grow so tall into the heavens so that when men lift their heads to look at me, I will be pointing up straight to the heavens, where God of all creation is seated. I would like to point men to God. '' These were the heart desire of each tree as they grew. The rain fall for years, the sun shine, nourishment came to all three trees and they grew and became very tall and beautiful. As the days went by, each of these trees nurtured their ambitions in their hearts.

One day, three lumbermen came up the hill in search of lumber that would meet their needs. The first lumber man on sighting the first tree said, '' This is just the right tree for the job'' and with multiple swings of his axe, '' swoosh'', the tree fell and it said in its heart, '' now I can be what I've always longed to be. ''The second man in the same strength, cut down the second tree and' 'swoosh'' the second tree feel and said also in his heart '' now I can become what I've longed to be''. As the third man approached the third tree, the tree stood up high, as high as it could possibly stand and said, '' I know he will not cut me off from here''. Without looking up to the tree the lumberman said, '' any tree can do for me'' and '' swoosh'' the tree was down.

While the lumberman went with his own lumber, each tree was happy with their lumberman, except the last tree who was very sad because its dream which was to stay in the hill and point men to God just got thwarted. Anyway, the first tree was taken to the furniture shop and left for the furniture man to finish. '' now I'll be made into beautiful chest and I will hold in me precious stones, '' said the first tree. After some time, the furniture man made it into a feeding trough for animals. This made the first tree very sad because instead of precious stones, slimy grubs and dry hay were put into it for animals.

The second tree was taken into a ship harbor. '' Now I would be the greatest ship in the whole world and I will sail Kings on the high sea, '' it said to itself ''. It was fashioned into a local fishing boat. So, it became sad.

The third tree was so sad that even when it was cut and thrown into an old log shack, it did not make much of a difference to it.

Years rolled by and some people came to the manager and took the trough, which the first tree was made into. They cleaned out the hay, padded it's inside with warm clothes and laid in it a beautiful baby. Great eastern Kings came and bowed before the baby with different treasures in their hands and all of a sudden, the trough came to the realization that it was carrying the most precious treasure in the world. It became very happy because it's dream had come true eventually.images (2).jpeg

More years rolled by this event. Until a man was talking by the seaside and people pressed on every side to hear him. Due to this, he asked his friends if he could sit in his boat to address the people His friend agreed. After a while, he asked his friend to take him to the other side of the sea. While on sail, he fell asleep. This boat happened to be what the second tree was fashioned into. As it traveled on the sea, the sky grew dark, a great storm started which was too strong for the boat and so it started creaking as it gradually approached its breaking point. The owner of the boat shouted. The man sleeping in the boat arose; Spoke to the wind and the waves saying, '' peace be still. '' Instantly, everything became as still as the night. Everybody wondered at what manner of man he is. At that moment, the boat realized that, it was carrying the KING of Kings and the LORD of lords. Thus, it became extremely happy because it's dream did come true after all. images (1).jpeg

The third tree was left in an old shack until one day when two gruesome looking soldiers opened up the shack, yanked out the logs, and nailed it into cross. A very weak and battered man was made to carry it. Along the streets were angry people jeering at the man and mocking him. He was forced to carry the cross on a hill. There the cross was made to stand, with the man crucified on it. Darkness covered the land and there was earthquake all around as the man gave up the ghost. Now there is no way you can think of what GOD did on the cross of calvary without remembering the third tree. It eventually ended up pointing people to GOD.images.jpeg

All three tress started off with desires in their hearts but GOD granted their different desires in a way it gave all glory back to HIM alone **GOD CAN DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, ALL YOU NEED DO, IS TO BELIEVE. **

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