Steemian embarks on a journey to bootstrap from $0 to $1,000,000 dollars!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


While I was checking out new and hot posts to upvote (quality posts need your curation!) I came across one by a guy called Vincent ( @brainynetwork ) who is trying to bootstrap his way from $0 to a $1,000,000 portfolio while writing about it on Steemit and posting on Twitter and Facebook. I was curious to see what he is doing so I checked out his previous posts.

He's earning some money doing piecemeal freelancer tasks - quite a bit of translation work online, and also taking a web development course online - I assume so he can eventually earn some more substantial money doing that too. Vincent is posting daily updates on Steemit and earning a few $ in STEEM too. So far he's earned just over $200 from all his activities, most of which is now invested in NEO (he's powering up all his STEEM and keeping it in the network). He is including his current portfolio value in every post.

You can see his latest update here:


It's an interesting idea and to be honest I've sometimes wondered how many people living on next to nothing could do something similar. Maybe they don't speak a foreign language like him to be able to get a good dollar for translation work, but there are pure transcription services, Mechanical Turk, Task Rabbit, ThumbTack, etc. etc. too.

So I reckon there are many people, if they had a camera and a way to get on the web (you know like an old smartphone, even if it was WiFi only, perhaps with a plug-in or Bluetooth fold up keyboard which works on most Android phones these days) - well they could be making some $ via online work, creating some pretty compelling content on Steemit at least and making some STEEM that way too. For many, even $100 a month would be a big deal. Heck, even $1 a day would be a big deal in many parts of the world!

Anyway, I applaud Vincent's commitment, the idea of sharing the journey and hopefully inspiring some others too. I'll definitely be watching how he does. He's young and with kind of commitment probably has a bright future ahead of him.

So why not go check out his latest post and give it an upvote? He's only at 36 reputation so definitely still a Minnow and I'm sure would really appreciate our Steemian community support.

Good luck and bon chance Vincent!

Update: Please consider upvoting this post as well as his - and/or resteeming it/them - I will be transferring 100% of the STEEM reward on this post to him after the payout.


Thank you so much @o1o1o1o!

I don't know why I completely missed your post when you wrote it! This is such a nice gesture of you. I thank you again and I won't disappoint you :).

Missing stuff in Steemit is an easy thing to do. There is no simple way to "clear away" stuff you have read - we are forced to see the same stuff over and over, and always be scrolling. I think engagement, upvotes, and surfacing of quality content would be much higher if they could find a way to fix that with a simple "mark as read" feature. I guess it would need storing in the browser profile to avoid touching the blockchain, but would be so worthwhile IMO.

That's a really nice gesture, @o1o1o1o. Upvoted, and I wish @brainynetwork the best of luck in his endeavours.

Very interesting .... I am trying something similar

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