SELF FULFILLING PROPHESY: You caused it!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Have you wondered why you sometimes believe something will definitely happen to you and it does? Or why you were so sure the man won't like you and he didn't? Or why you just knew out of evryone in your large class you would be called up to answer the question and you were? Some think it is because they have psychic predicting powers - not really... I don't think you do.

It is most likely because you activated the 'Self Fulfilling Prophesy', more like self sabotage really.

The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation evoking a new behavior which makes the original false conception come true. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning.
- Robert K. Merton

What this means that there is a positive correlation between belief and behavior.

What you might have had in mind might have been false but because you believed it, you began to exhibit certain behaviors that made it comes true.

Let's use the case of the student (Ella) in a large class.
So the lecturer says: 'i have a question for the class ad i'm going to pick one of you to answer it' (with the best straight face he could iron out)

On hearing this, Ella goes: 'I know this man his going to call me, I just know it'.

Viola, she did know it cause she got pick! But what she might not know is she caused her being selected. How? She must have exhibited behaviors that placed a big red arrow side on her head that screamed PICK ME PICK ME I'M RIPE FOR THE PICKING

Same thing applies to other situations where we have allowed what we believe (even when it is false) become our reality. It is the basic principle explained by law of attraction also.

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The bible has also told us of how powerful our thoughts are and advises you think of good things.
Philipians 4:8
'Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.'

So, when next things are not going so fine and you know you had predicted it before now, don't blame your ancestors, don't blame that old woman in your village living her own life. Instead, check yourself because you most likely cause it!

Stay woke.


The law of attraction definitely works! My husband and I are trying to keep our minds on positive things and think good thoughts for this purpose!

You basically get what you put in... I also have seen the law of attraction in action a lot of times... You and your husband are the real deal

True words dear, fewer people understand the law of attraction. Remember when King Solomon said "as a man thinks, so he is.
Those words are very true, our thoughts are like vibrations released into the space and the universe respond with events tantamount to the thoughts released.
I really love this

Very little people listen to wise men... I'm glad you love this

Something like NLP. Set a high aim, believe that you already there and back to reality, work on that to that direction.

My point exactly. Really no achievement without the work

Absolutely, execution is still the key but we need the belief too.

Corrected. Thank you for notifying me.

This is an error

This post is sponsored by @appreciator in collaboration with #steemitbloggers. Keep up the good work

Thanks @appreciator i sure will

Yup its a painful truth 😅

there's a saying which says and I quote ' when you desire for something, the Universe will conspire on your behalf. '

I think this is real.
Your information is useful. Thanks for this.

when you desire for something, the Universe will conspire on your behalf.


Its all about manifestation! We are electric beings in this world, and can draw some incredible energy to us if we focus on the task at hand. Great post! Keep up the explorative writing @nwamaka🙏

This post is just what we all need to keep going......Thanks @nwamaka

I'm glad its of use to you... Major goal of what i post. Thanks

The power of self fulfilling prophecy should never be taken for granted. Nice post, well done dear

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