Meaning of the Tree of Life

in #life6 years ago

The Tree of Life exists as a symbol in the most diverse ancient cultures, both Western and Eastern: Greek, Roman, Mayan, Aztec, Phoenician, Syrian, Persian, Chinese, Japanese. It is associated with the creation of the universe, representing the connection between various planes, such as the earth, the sky and also the underworld. This symbol represents vitality, strength and ability to overcome illness and overcome challenges.

To understand the meaning of the tree of life one must analyze its structure. The tree has its roots fixed on Earth, representing the need that we have to have solid foundations that can sustain us. It needs Air and Water to live, and raises its trunks bridging Earth and Heaven. The various branches that constitute it represent the crossroads of our life: we do not know if the path we choose is right but the truth is that whatever direction we choose, we are always moving toward Heaven, ascending as souls who are doing their learning on Earth.

The origin of the tree of life
The tree of life is a representation present in various cultures and religions throughout the world. Although the origin of this symbol is unknown, there are many theories on the subject. In the Bible, where the tree is present, it appears located in the Garden of Eden in a central position.

According to the biblical text, the first couple of men, Adam and Eve, were forbidden from reaching the tree of life. The reason for this is that they had broken the divine commandments by eating the forbidden fruit. After being expelled from paradise, God protected the entrance of the Garden of Eden, placing angels cherubim to guard the place.

It is perceived that the meaning of the tree of life, beyond mere representation, has direct relation with the sacred. Yet according to what the Bible text preaches, the tree of life arose well before the first men. She was in the Garden of Eden before God gave Adam life.

Studies indicate that the tree symbolizes eternal life. Those who eat of their fruit can experience various greatness. That's why she's so well protected in paradise. But it is not only in Genesis that the symbol appears in the Bible. To better understand the meaning of the tree of life, we must also investigate its appearance in Revelation.

At the very end of Revelation, the biblical text refers to a tree of life arising in the city of Jerusalem. In the passage, it represents the salvation of mankind.

Another reference one can make regarding the tree of life is with regard to the cross of Jesus. At some periods in history, especially at the beginning of Christianity, the two symbols were considered to be the same.

Each people has a peculiar way of representing the tree of life. In Brazil, for example, the symbol is commonly found in artistic drawings and tattoos. People embrace the sacredness of the figure, eternalizing its message.

Among the Assyrians, the tree of life is not the only one with divine properties, but it is the best known and most worshiped. The meaning of the tree of life for the Assyrians is linked to the goddess Ishtar, the most important divinity for the people of Mesopotamia.

It is interesting to point out that Ishtar represents fertility and destruction. In the Christian Bible, the tree of life appears in creation (fertility) and also in apocalypse (destruction). There is an approximation here between the meaning of the tree of life of the Bible and the concept of the Assyrians.

From the tree of life of the Mesopotamians is derived other representations of this sacred symbol. One of them is the cabalistic tree of life, formed by a palm or branch, a Jewish symbol. For Kabbalah, the tree of life is the product of the emanations of Ain Soph.

The Meaning of the Celtic Tree of Life
In the Celtic Tradition, trees, forests, and nature are symbols of life and protection adopted by the monks (Druids) of Great Britain, Ireland, and Gaul.

The Druid priests, inspired by the magic of the trees of the woods, help people to harmonize with the protective spirits of the trees, through contact with them and with Nature in general.

In Celtic Astrology, each sign is represented by a kind of tree.
Know the Horoscope of Trees

In Celtic spirituality and mysticism, forests are considered to be true natural temples, in which practitioners of their tradition perform feasts, rituals and ceremonies. The Celts recognized the divine power in each tree.


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